Right Worshipful Master Bro James Wallace welcomes all brethren and visitors to the lodge which meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, from September to April
On behalf of myself, Past Masters, Office Bearers and Brethren thank you for visiting our website, which I hope you will enjoy
Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million, The origins and early development of Freemasonry are a matter of some debate and conjecture. A poem known as the “Regius Manuscript” has been dated to approximately 1390 and is the oldest known Masonic text.[6] There is evidence to suggest that there were Masonic lodges in existence in Scotland as early as the late sixteenth century, Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million.
Forthcoming Events
1 13th January 2nd degree to be worked by lodge lindores 106
2 27th January A.G.M members only
3 10th February 3rd degree
4 27th February installation
Rememberance Day 10th November 2024
Installing Masters 01/03/2024
January 22nd 2024 Lodge Lindores 106
Visit to Lodge Lindores 106 on Wedensday 22/03/2023
Bob Somerville S.G.M.Mason 2003
Bob Somerville’s Regalia
Installation March 3rd 2023
Annual Installation February 25th 2022
Silver Birch Tree Planted for the Queens Jubilee 2022 Donated by the Lodge
Bro Darren Kennedy Rankin also planted a tree for the Jubilee
Bro David Mudie the Lodges oldest member
laying the wreath along side R.W.M Bro John Cairns
November 14th 2021
During Lockdown We Changed The East
R.W.M Bro John Cairns laying a Wreath on Behalf of the Lodge 08/11/2020
P.G.M Bro Stewart Quigley handing in a cheque towards the Food Banks Appeal from Provincial Grand Lodge
During The Coronavirus Lockdown The Lodge Opened Its Door
For Donation Of Food Parcels For Food Banks Lodges 72 468 935 and 1599 Participating
Treasurer Bro Ian Mackenzie handing over a cheque for the food bank appeal
Annual Installation 28/02/2020
Installing Masters 28/02/2020
Paul Batchelor Lodge 72
Colin Davie Lodge 764
Jason Watson Lodge 520
11/12/2019 annual visit to Lodge Lindores 106 to work a second degree

22nd April Visit From Ohio Travelling Masters Black Watch Degree Team

22nd April visit from Ohio Travelling Masters R.W.M Bro John Cairns along with
Right Worthy Bro John Lasonczyk and new Intrant Bro Jim McNiven

11th February 2019 Bro Robert Wallace’s last meeting held by Past Masters from Lodges
72 935 and 1599

8th October Lodge no 72 working a Second Degree R.W.M Bro John Cutland

R.W.M Bro Robert Wallace Installing Inner Guard Lodge Wemyss 777 29/09/2017

P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie with members of Lodge 72 and Substitute Grand Master Bro Hugh Clelland

R.W.M Bro Thomson presenting a Cheque to Bro Simpson Lodge St Clair of Dysart 520

P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie Prostate Scotland cycle challenge

Installing Masters P.M Bro Ian Lawson 468 P.M Bro Robert Campbell Lodge 777

R.W.M Bro Matthew Thomson 26/02/2016

Installation Team 20/02/2016 Headed.S.P.G.M Bro Bill Rocks

S.P.G.Masters Bro Bill Rocks and Bro Craig Thompson along with P G Piper Bob Ross

P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie recieving Honourary Provincial Grand Rank from
Bro Andrew Paterson Provincial Grand Master April 25th 2015

R.W.M Matthew Thomson And His Installing Masters Bro William Somerville P.M 777 And BRo John G Mackie P.M 935 27/02/2015

R.W.M Master Matthew Thomson And W.S.P.G.M Bro Bill Rocks

Lodge Wemyss 777 working team for Mark Degree 22nd September 2014

Bro Zack Guild (grandson of P.M Andrew Bryce) along with his father Bro Neil Guild and R.W.Ms Bro Ian Lawson 468 and Bro David Shearer 764

Lodge Wemyss 777 working a first degree 23/11/2015
Links To other Mason Sites
Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross