History of the Lodge
In the year 1770 the Grand Lodge of Scotland granted a charter to a lodge named The Oswald of Dunnikier, which was allotted the number 161 on the roll.
Unfortunately lodge no 161 did not flourish as was anticipated because of financial difficulties in 1790 and ultimately it was declared dormant in the year 1816.
Then in the year 1867 Bro Alex Muirhead Melville of the Lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72 and half of the office bearers and other members of that said lodge resigned and decided to form a new Lodge.
1866 ~ 1867 Minutes taken from Lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72 the year before the split and the events leading to the formation of a new Lodge
The year of the Schism in the Lodge of Kirkcaldie, but at the beginning of the year there was no sign of the impending split. The old year had finished on a note of real good will and the Lodge in January set about its routine business in good style, actually successfully holding a meeting on the 2nd January; as experience had proved a very difficult proceeding on such a date. Further meetings were held on the 5th and 9th January, at the latter meeting four Intrants were entered, passed and raised, viz:- William Angus a Merchant from Glasgow, David Hume a Harbour Master in Dysart, David Watt a Baker in Dysart and George Martin a Seaman from Pathhead. David Watt was to become the first Substitute Master of Lodge St.Clair No. 520 and was for many years the Provost of Dysart.
David Hume the Founder Builder and first Master of No. 520, was one of the most remarkable men, who have occupied the Chair of No. 72. We will hear more of him later in this story. A.M. Melville is the Proposer and Robert Stott the Seconder of both Dysart Candidates. The Lodge carries on the even tenure of its ways with a steady
stream of candidates coming forward, but with no outstanding event until 2nd October, when an Invitation is received from Lodge Lindores No. 106, inviting “72” to be represented at the ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone of the new Burgh School at Newburgh on 11th October. The Lodge agrees and 34 members attend, receiving 7/6 per head for Travelling Expenses, the Tyler receiving an extra 3/- in lieu of the loss of Wages.
An unusual event occurs on 16th October when the Secretary opens the Lodge, but as the only other Office-Bearers present was the Junior Warden Bro. Stott, the latter is “moved to the Chair”, conducts the three degrees and closes the Lodge in due course, happy informal days. We meet again in a more formal fashion on 7th November, when one Candidate is entered, passed and raised, we also meet on 1st December at 6 o’ clock, when one of the candidates is a Seaman, which possibly accounts for the early start. The Nomination and Election Meeting and a fateful one too is held on 5th Dec., and the new term of Office-Bearers are as follows:-
R.W.M. Thomas Gilchrist.
P.M. A.M. Melville.
D.M. A. Torrance.
S.W. Ben Parker.
J.W. Robert Stott.
Joint Chaplains Revd. N. Johnstone.
Walter Welch.
C. Macdonald.
Secretary Wm. Muir.
Treasurer David Bonellie.
S.D. George Erskine.
J.D. James Michie.
M/S & L/V George Laing.
Steward David Hutton.
C.P. Robert Bruce.
Tyler Robert Lessels.
As it happens the Minute submitted of this meeting, was in fact questioned at a later date, and the writer has had to grope his way to an understanding of what was really going on in Lodge Kirkcaldie at this time.
Secretary Muir originally writes his Minute thus:-
“The following Committee was appointed to Audit the Books, and arrange the festival of St. John’s day; Master and Wardens, Thomas Martin, James Milne to have a good supper at as cheap a rate as possible”.
However a later interlining occurs, probably but not certainly, in the hand writing of A.M. Melville. This was placed after the name of Brother Milne, and reads “and it was understood”. This introduces some ambiguity in the Minutes, and shows that the scribe or his advisers were not too sure of themselves. The Minute goes on ………… “it was then agreed to have a Torchlight procession on same night, Committee to arrange with Artillery Band”.
Five nights later a special meeting of the Lodge is called, to consider a letter received from the Master-Elect Thomas Gilchrist “declining to accept of that Honour” (i.e. election to the Chair). The Brethren accepted the withdrawal and agreed to call a “pro re-nata” meeting, for the Master and INNER GUARD. This is the first mention of Inner Guard in the history of the Lodge of Kirkcaldie, and it is strange indeed that the new Office is to be created, at a most crucial time in that same history. The pro renata meeting is duly held, and A.M. Melville is again elected as R.W.M. and Henry Blackwood is elected as our first Inner Guard.
Another meeting is held on 19th December, when after a first degree, the Secretary Bro. Muir reads a letter from the Magistrates of Kirkcaldy, declining permission to allow the proposed Torchlight procession. The Minute continues “After a good deal of discussion regarding the propriety of the R.W. Master and Secretary in sending the letter on 11th December” (the letter referred to, was evidently sent to the Magistrates, requesting their permission to hold the procession).
“The following Committee was appointed to wait on the Magistrates, to reconsider (sic) on their decision, if not granted, to report the same to the Secretary to Advertise said Torchlight (procession) not to take place, being stopped by the above. — Committee – James Milne, Robert Stott, Angus Martin”.
The Lodge also agreed at the meeting to donate £1.1/- towards the Poors Coal Fund, and to extend the Patronage of the Lodge to a Ball to be held in February. The Audit Committee met on 21st December and engaged Henry Blackwood to deliver the circulars calling the St. John’s Festival at a fee of 7/6d the Secretary was instructed to get the circulars printed. It is highly improbable that he ever did; Brother Muir drew
£2.12/- in emoluments, plus 4/- for Postages and went home to write out his resignation. It is unlikely now that we will ever hear the full story of December 1866, was there a movement afoot to form a new Lodge at the beginning of the month, and had the mysterious withdrawal of Brother Thomas Gilchrist, the Master Elect of “72” anything to do with his hearing something about a forthcoming secession?
Obviously Brother Muir and in a lesser degree Brother Melville, had been severely criticised at the meeting of 19th December. Prima Facie, no fault can be found with the Master and Secretary, seeking the permission of the Magistrates before proceeding with a Torchlight procession, but reading between the lines of the Minute, one can gather the suspicions of a Section of the Lodge, that the affair had been handled, with the idea of obtaining the refusal of the Magistrates permission, rather than their sanction. Whatever the truth of the matter, either following the meeting of 19th December or before it, the concept of a new Masons Lodge in Kirkcaldy was born.
Whether A.M. Melville was an active participant during the early moves is doubtful, but he cannot have been ignorant of the fact that the movement was afoot; and also that the success of the movement depended on his participation. Whatever was passing through the mind of the Master of Lodge 72, the majority of the Brethren of the Lodge was unaware of the threatened secession. Brother A.M. Melville presides over a Special Meeting of the Lodge on 26th December, at which the resignation of the Secretary is read. Bro. A. Dewar moves and P.M. Bro. John Gray seconds that the Minute Book be laid on the Table, before proceeding to business, this was done. Brother Maurice Simpson was then elected Secretary, Bro. John Gray now moves that a copy of the letter sent to the Magistrates regarding the Torchlight procession be produced. The Inner Guard is sent to Brother Muir’s house to procure the same, but without success, what Brother Gray expected to clear up, from a copy of this letter is not clear. The following night 27th December, the Lodge meets for the Installation and St. John’s Festival. A.M. Melville installs his Office-Bearers, as he had done many times before. The Lodge adjourned to the large room for the Supper, “and enjoyed themselves in a harmonious manner”, yet only four days later the Lodge is to meet again to consider the multiple resignation of Office-Bearers.
Strangely enough A.M. Melville signs the Minute of the Installation Meeting of 27th December 1866. Did Brother Maurice Simpson walk down from his quarters to the shop of A.M. Melville, near the foot of Kirk Wynd, at the request of the latter, so that he should complete his last task for the Lodge of Kirkcaldie?
Something like that must have occurred, because before the date of the next Lodge meeting, Brother A.M. Melville the newly installed Master, the driving force and guiding light of “72”, for over 16 years had resigned.
1867 ~
The good ship “Kirkcaldie” sailed into the New Year, not only minus her Captain but also about 50 of her Crew, including Depute Master A. Torrance and Chaplain Revd. Walter Welch. On 1st January 1867 the Senior Warden Brother Ben Parker opens the Lodge at a special meeting, hurriedly called to consider the situation created by the resignation of the Senior Office-Bearers. The Brethren present at the meeting agree to seek advice of Grand Secretary on the correct procedure in such a case, and meet again in fourteen days. The non-seceding members still seem to be ignorant of the move towards forming a new Lodge.
Long before the 15th January however the secret is out, and another emergency meeting is held on 5th January. The Minute states that “the Lodge met tonight according to private agreement”. The Junior Warden is in the Chair and the following motions are passed:-
“The resigning Brethren to be asked their reasons for doing so”.
“Sister Lodges in the district, to be written to, asking them to withhold their recommendation to any application, which may be made to them, by any of the dissenting Brethren, with a view of supporting their Petition to Grand Lodge, for the formation of a new Lodge“.
“The following Committee to draw up a Petition to Grand Lodge:-
Ben Parker, George Stott, Maurice Simpson, A.Dewar, James Milne and J. Stewart”.
The Meeting of the 15th of January, however marks the end of the period of confusion for Brother James Dick is unanimously elected Master and is installed by P.M. Bro. John Gray, Thomas Laing (Senior) is then elected Depute Master and installed by the newly installed Master. The Secretary and P.M. John Gray are then sent by the Lodge to Bro. A.M. Melville to fetch the Jewels etc. belonging to the Lodge. We imagine that Brother John Gray would carry out this duty in a very dignified manner, and that he would derive more satisfaction from the interview then Brother Melville did. The resignations of the Joint Chaplains (Brother Reverend Norman Johnstone and Brother C. Macdonald) are read and accepted, and poor “72” is now without the benefit of a
Clergy. Before proceeding further with the fateful year of 1867, let us look at some of the details of Lodge business in 1866. Twenty-nine Initiates are put through during the year. The Entrance fee remains at 31/6d, of which the Tyler now receives 2/- and Robert Bruce 1/-. One Brother affiliates during the year, and an Apprentice of Lodge No. 272 is Passed and Raised in the Lodge of Kirkcaldie. Eleven brothers from other Lodges (three from England and one from Ireland) receive help and Bro. A.M. Melville is paid £2.13/6d for new Aprons and repairs to the old ones. The largest payment by far, is the expenses of the deputation to Newburgh which totals £12.18/-.
We still pay 3/6d per meeting as rent, at the Public Buildings. A.M. Melville write the Audit Statement on 21st December and signs same along with Thomas Martin, Robert Stott, Ben Parker and James Milne. Oddly enough the four members who sign after A.M. Melville were to remain with their old Lodge. This was the last time that A.M. Melville is to sign the Cash Book, it is also the last time that Thomas Martin is to sign, the ex-Treasurer and old timer of the Lodge passes away, a few days later early in the New Year.
The Lodge funds at 21st December 1866 amounts to £10.4/4½d, as against £12.7/8½d at the beginning of the Year.
Reflecting on the causes which led up to the schism of 1866/67, it would be too specious to state the cause was a disagreement over a Torchlight procession, though it is the opinion of the writer, that the criticism experienced at the meetings held in December over the proposed procession which started the ball rolling. The germ of the quarrel was born in 1850, when A.M. Melville ably assisted by John Gray, Robert Philp and others who rescued the old Lodge from the deplorable state into which it had fallen. The influx of Candidates which came along under Brother Melville’s inspired drive and leadership, ranging from members of the Aristocracy, to members of the Merchant class and trading community of the neighbourhood. It is a far cry from 1850 when it was back to the days when then the Lodge of Kirkcaldie was purely operative in membership, but prior to the present it is undoubtedly still operative in character, with all the virtues associated with the frugal Scots working man but also with all the drawbacks of the inherent conservative caution, which centuries of toil and poverty had bred in them. That this class of operatives continued to join the Lodge after 1850, is apparent from the Books and there we have it as it should be, all classes of the community meeting on the level in the Lodge.
Nevertheless the differences in outlook of the members of the two sections of the Lodge, must at times have been very difficult to reconcile, and the Jeremiah Bain incident of 1853 displayed this to the full, the line of fission in the Lodge. The somewhat high handed action of the R.W.M. at this time and the consequent branding of the five erring brethren (all respected and trusted men), must have cost him the respect of a large section of the Lodge. After the re-admission of the five, it is obvious even from the sparse Minutes available, that Bro. John Gray is the rallying figure of the old members of the Lodge, and Bro. A.M. Melville commands the support of nearly all the others. The surprising thing is not that the split did occur, but that it did not happen years earlier, and this was due entirely to the efficient handling of the Lodge by Bro. A.M. Melville. It is probable that even in December 1866, A.M. Melville was against the idea of secession, but that events proved too strong for him at the finish, and that he finally accepted the inevitable. Certainly no other member of “72” could have brought together men like James T. Oswald, the Laird of Wemyss, Revd. Norman Johnstone, Revd. Walter Welch and Lord Loughborough (now Earl of Rosslyn) to mention only a few, and while some of those I have mentioned, served only as figure heads, still there was always efficient and nearly ever present A.M. Melville to run the Lodge effectively.
The new Lodge was granted a Charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland on 4th February 1867, and was consecrated on 8th April of that year.
The first Office-Bearers were:-
Office in “468” Last Office in “72”
James T. Oswald Master Past Master
A.M. Melville Depute Master Master
Earl of Rosslyn Substitute Master Past Master
Andrew Currie Senior Warden Past Senior Warden
William Drysdale Junior Warden M.M.
William Muir Treasurer Secretary
Andrew Torrance Secretary Past Depute Master
Donald McNaughton Senior Deacon M.M.
David Pearson Junr. Junior Deacon M.M.
Revd. Norman Johstone Joint Chaplain Joint Chaplain
Revd. Walter Welch Joint Chaplain Joint Chaplain
Jon Torrance Inner Guard M.M.
Henry Blackwood Tyler Inner Guard.
The old Lodge was left with a number of P.M’s, including John Gray, both Senior and Junior Wardens, Secretary and Treasurer, both Deacons, also handyman Robert Bruce as well as their Steward and Tyler. Lodge “72” holds another meeting in January this year, their fourth this month, and on the 30th to boot at which the resignations, of James Michie (Junior Deacon) and Henry Blackwood (Inner Guard) is intimated. The former has left the Town to seek work up North, while Henry Blackwood has joined the new Lodge as Tyler, as our first ever appointed Inner Guard did not serve us very long.
Strangely enough “72” decide to continue in the old tradition, and do without an Inner Guard. The reader will also note that Lodge 468 had a Substitute Master long before the Lodge of Kirkcaldie. The Secretary reads correspondence from Provincial Grand Secretary regarding a proposed deputation to Provincial Grand Lodge on 5th February. Though not stated the object of the deputation seems to be a complaint against one or more of the Seceders, though exactly for what or against whom is not clear. Certainly the Past Secretary has raised the anger of a large section of the Lodge, this crops up periodically in the Minutes in 1867.
The members of the Deputation are the Master James Dick, Wardens Ben Parker and Robert Stott, P.M. John Gray and Brothers Milne, Christie, Dewar and Smart. Brother David Hume moves that the travelling expenses of the deputation be paid by the Lodge, which is agreed to. On 1st February the meeting sends Brothers Smart and Bonellie to the residence of Past Secretary Muir, for the Lodge Roll Book, which they get along with a “Scribble” Book (Scroll Book?), “both of which was (sic), in a very disgraceful condition”. It was agreed that those Books be sealed and taken to the Provincial Grand Lodge at Cupar.
The Minute of this meeting has rather an unusual termination:-
“After the Lodge was closed, Brother Smart came to the R.W.M., and informed him that he thought he knew where there was other property belonging to Lodge No. 72, and being a faithful Mason prude (sic) that the R.W.M. allow him and Brother Bonellie, permission to go and obtain it from Brother Muir.
Brother Smart being unsatisfied, thinks there is another Roll Book, and that he could nearly tell where it is, and being a faithful Brother, to his Mother lodge considers it his duty to do so”.
What a pity our Brethren of last century, did not have the same tender solicitations for the Minute Book of the Lodge, which was completed in 1853. Its information would be of priceless value today, the loss of this Book and others of like value, must be attributed to this stormy period in our history. To be sure the Lodge met the day after the Provincial Grand Lodge Communication in Cupar. Everyone would be dying to know what had happened, and the R.W. Master duly gives his report. Alas Bro. Maurice Simpson though an excellent scribe, does not go into detail.
On the Motion of Brother Erskine seconded by Brother Roddom, it was unanimously agreed that all “dissenting brethren”, be excluded from having either voice or vote in the Lodge, and that they be treated as visiting Brethren. The old members had realised that the Seceders were still members of 72, and could return in a body and swamp any vote. This was unlikely to occur, but they were taking no chances.
The R.W.M. moves that Brother Gilmour be paid 7/6d, for his help in drawing up Petitions, Testimonials etc., which were sent to Grand Lodge, this was agreed. An Inventory was also ordered to take place on 9th February and a Committee appointed to see it through. The Inventory is minuted, as is also a list of missing articles. The Lodge Books mentioned are:- One Minute Book, One Treasurers Book, One Roll Book, One Scroll Book, One Letter Book and One Petition Book. The Minute Book (commenced 1853), the Treasurers Book (commenced 1821) and the Petition Book (commenced 1865) they are still with us, but the others have gone the way of all flesh. At the meeting of 6th March the Secretary minutes that he is asked to read the Minutes of the previous meetings, and that the Brethren approve of them. Thus painfully and slowly is the modern regular routine of Lodge business formed.
During the April meetings the Secretary minutes the number of Brethren present. On the 9th it was 16, on the 10th it was 22, on the 12th it was 27, on the 19th it was 20 and on the 25th it was 27. Note the meetings on successive nights. The Lodge also met at 10.30am on the 26th April, when 25 members form a Deputation, and therewith proceed to St. Andrews, there to assist the Provincial Grand Master in laying the Foundation Stone of the new College. The members receive 5/- each from the Lodge Funds to defray travelling Expenses. Forty-seven members were present on 22nd May, when after an Initiation, the R.W.M. Bro. James Dick, submits a Lecture on Freemasonry.
By now the Lodge had settled down, after the shock of the secession and in a great measure this was due to the character and capabilities of the Master. He was a
candlemaker by trade, and his shop was situated at No. 254 High Street (present numbering) opposite the foot of Oswalds Wynd. He built the property now 40/42 Townsend Place, when this quarter was really the “Back o’ the Toon”. Obviously Brother Dick took the members of the Lodge in hand, when their indignation and resentment was inclined to make them childish in their protestations. He showed them that the Lodge was quite capable of managing its own affairs, if the members themselves settled to the task. It is said that the Hour brings the Man, Lodge 72 was indeed fortunate that in 1867, the emergency created by the schism, did indeed bring the man — James Dick, it was he who initiated our first Benevolent Fund.
On the 5th June we have an Intrant called Robert Wallace, Robert had recently been appointed Caretaker of the Public Buildings, where now the two local Lodges met. The Caretaker is paid 1/6d per meeting by the Lodge as a fee for tidying up the Lodge Room, and for putting on a fire. As Robert Bruce our Assistant Tyler is also paid per meeting, the Treasurers Book of this period, has quite a patriotic flavour with its frequent entries of Wallace and Bruce. We gather from the Minutes, that the Secretary now reads the Minutes at each Quarterly meeting. An echo of the past is heard on 26th June, when P.M. John Gray gives notice of Motion “That Brother Jeremiah Bain, be allowed back to the Lodge”. The strange thing about this notice of motion is that it is never mentioned again in the Minutes. This is clearly due to an omission by the Secretary for Jeremiah Bain signs the Attendance Book for the first time on Dec. 26th 1867 (St. John’s Supper), and regularly attends the meetings for many years after this date. So fully fourteen years after the great scandal, the old man is at last made welcome, but it required a disruption in Lodge Kirkcaldie to make it possible. Note also that John Gray, the leading figure among the delinquents, was the instigator of Jeremiah Bain’s re-admission.
Again let us note how the customs of today had their early beginnings, at this meeting arrangements were made for sending a deputation (at their own expense), to support Grand Lodge in laying the Foundation Stone of the new Poorhouse in Edinburgh. This took place on July 4th, and the Tyler receives his usual payment for loss of Wages, the total expense to the Lodge of the outing was 14/9d. The Lodge also decided this year that the Master and Wardens should attend the Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications, and were surprised to learn that extra fees were payable before this could take place, Bro. Patterson the Proxy Master of the Lodge explains this to the Brethren. This healthy interest in the activities of Grand Lodge is maintained, and the
members debate on how the Master and Wardens should vote at the next communication on 4th November.
On 5th November a proposal is made to drop St. John’s Festival, and to substitute an open Social Evening, at which Wives and Sweethearts could attend with members, this revolutionary proposal was later dropped. The Lodge exercises the new powers regarding Visiting Brethren leaving the Lodge Room during the Election of Office-Bearers at the Nomination and Election Meeting of 3rd December.
There were few changes and the new list reads:-
R.W.M. James Dick
D.M. Thos. Laing
P.M. John Gray
S.W. G.F. Erskine
J.W. G. Laing
Secretary M. Simpson
Treasurer David Bonellie
S.D. John Muckersie
J.D. William Brown
M. of S. Archibald Duff
Steward D. Hutton
C.P. Robert Bruce
Tyler Robert Lessels.
Note that there is still no Chaplain, Substitute Master or Inner Guard. Forty-five attended the Installation Meeting and St. John’s Supper on 26th Dec., where they did ample justice to the repast provided by Brother Robert Ralley at a cost of 2/- per head. Brother Bonellie records that during 1867 we initiated 21 Candidates and affiliated two members from other Lodges. One intending candidate also forfeited 2/6d, “earnest money when he failed to turn up for Initiation. On the expenditure side our deputation expenses to Cupar and St. Andrews form the largest items, though be it noted that Bro. Ockil returns his 5/- to the Lodge, which he received as his travelling expenses to the latter town.
Several travelling brothers are assisted, one to the unprecedented amount of ten shillings. One of our own members receives £1 from Lodge funds to help him out. For
the first time we subscribe 10/- to grand Lodge Benevolent Fund, and we finish the year with £3.15/1½d in hand, so we have lived somewhat extravagantly this year.
In the Treasurers Book, below the Audit Statement, signed by James Dick, Geo. F. Erskine and John Smart, the following statement occurs:-
1867 – Subscriptions collected by Bro. Smart and Dick ….. £3.16.11d
“ “ “ “ -.10.-
Collected in Lodge …… – . 4. 1½d
£4.11.- ½d
Money paid to one …… £2.10/-
“ “ “ three …. -.18/6
“ “ “ two …… -. 2/-
“ “ “ Seven .. -. 7/2 …………. 3.17.8d
Balance in Bro. James Dick’s hand £ -.13/4½d
And this is our very first Benevolent Fund.
Note the anonymity preserved regarding the recipients of the grants, also the large sum – as money was valued at this time – of £2.10/-, to one recipient. The reader will have noted that we have a change of Senior Warden, in the list of Office-Bearers for next year. Brother Benjamin Parker, has returned to his native Eyemouth, there to set up in business for himself as a Grocer, and to marry his Sweetheart, and settle down there for the rest of his days. He never lost his interest in Freemasonry, and transferred his allegiance to Lodge St. Ebbe No. 70, which he served faithfully and well for nearly sixty years. Brother Parker was very friendly with the writers Grandfather, and was indeed the Proposer of James Michie (Senr.) in “72”, and although both men lived to ripe old age, they were never again to meet.
It is a somewhat curious coincidence, that the writer became very friendly with the grandson of Ben. Parker, and had known him for years, before he discovered whose grandson he was. Brother Ben. Parker again re-appears in our story at a later date, although then1867 was a very remarkable year for the Lodge of Kirkcaldie probably the most momentous in her history. I hope I have succeeded in some small way in making the Dramatic Personae live again in the mind of the reader.
This is a reference from the first minute book.
A petition for a charter for a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons to be called The Oswald of Dunnikier
Signed by 71 Master Masons in Kirkcaldy and Neighbourhood was delivered to the Worshipful Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland at the quarterly communication on 4th February 1867.
The Grand Lodge unanimously sanctioned the said petition and a charter was granted and allotted the number 468.
The first office bearers inscribed thereon are –
Right Worshipful Master Bro James Townsend Oswald formally Past Master The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Depute Master Bro Alexander Muirhead Melville formally Right Worshipful Master The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Substitute Master Bro Frances Robert Earl of Rosslyn.formally Past Master The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Senior Warden Bro Andrew Currie formally Senior Warden The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Junior Warden Bro William Drysdale formally Master Mason The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Treasurer Bro William Muir formally Secretary The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Secretary Bro Andrew Torrance formally Past Depute Master The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Senior Deacon Bro Donald Mcnaughton formally Master Mason The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Junior Deacon Bro David Pearson Jr formally Master Mason The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Chaplain Bro Reverend Norman Johnstone formally Chaplain The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Chaplain Bro Reverend Walter Walsh formally Chaplain The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Inner Guard Bro John Torrance formally Master Mason The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Tyler Bro Henry Blackwood formally Inner Guard The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72
Other founder members are recorded from lodges 10,19,25 26 38,72,91,97,120,121,172,181, & 400
Forty-four members are recorded from lodge 72 its understood that lodge no 172 was named st bryce kirkcaldy long since dormant along with lodge no 181
The charter Minute Book Petition Book Attendance Book and Cash Book was delivered to Depute Master Bro A.M.Melville on 8th march 1867.
A Transcipt of the charter is inscribed in the minute book designated the Oswald Of Dunnikier Lodge No 468 dated at Edinburgh 4th day Feburary 1867 and subscibed by
J.W Melville Grand Master
Earl Haddington Grand Depute Master
William Officer Acting Grand Senior Warden
William Barton Acting Grand Junior Warden
W.M A Lawrie Grand Secretary
A.J Stewart Grand Clerk
Unfortunately that we note from the minute book from the years 1867 – 1893 we have no account of the place of meetings but we do know that the festival of St John was always held in the George hotel (now defunct).
The only evidence in the minute book is the date time and name of the Right Worshipful Master.
While it is evident that the celebration of the festival of St John was generally held in the George Hotel
We can only presume that the meetings were held in the public buildings.
As of 1851 the lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72 and the lodge St Bryce no 172 were Co-tenants there for 45 years.
On 4th September 1869 the breathern along with deputations from Lodge 72 and Lodge 400 met at Glasmont for a merry dance and refreshment supplied by Bro A Currie and his wife
On 3rd October 1870 a deputation of 15 brethren headed by R.W.M Bro A Currie went to Glasgow to lay the foundation stone of the Albert Bridge
On 13th October 1870 a deputation went to Edinburgh to lay the foundation stone of the new Royal Infirmary
At the Installation on 19th December 1870 the new jewels which had been purchased were presented to the breathern taking office this evening
On the 10th of April 1872 the RWM Bro A.M Melville and several brethren went to the town of Leslie to lay the foundation stone of the new town house
On 18th July 1872 a deputation was sent to Leven to assist in the laying of the foundation stone of the peoples institute
Another worthy event of recording shows a petition from 16 members of Kirkcaldy trade band to become Masons and form a Masonic band.
It was duly considered and on the 21st of July 1875 at a ceremony at Dunnikier house they were obligated as Apprentice Masons.
The brethern march from the lodge room to the tune of the merry mason played by the new masonic band and were met at Dunnikier House by Bro Oswald
During the afternoon a service of fruit was enjoyed by the brethren ladies and children there after dancing races and football and other amusements took place
The Brethren then marched home by way of Gallatown about 8 o’clock Bro H Deas sent two corn carts while Bro’s Muir and Wellcott with their carriages conveyed the ladies and children and some of the older Brethren to their homes
On 18th September 1876 a deputation went to Glasgow to meet His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales at the laying of the foundation stone of the Glasgow post -offices
On 2nd October 1876 a deputation went to Dunfermline to assist in the laying of the foundation stone of the corporation building
On 4th February it was agreed by the Lodge to give 21/ to Bro Bonnella Treasurer of lodge 72 who lost his right arm at Markinch a few weeks ago
On 16th October 1883 we learn of the passing to the Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro Alex.Muirhead Melville Bro Melville was one of the founding members of our Lodge and was master from 1871-73
On 14th of November 1883 it was resolved to support Bro James Townsend Oswald as nominee for the office of Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross.
On the 3rd of march 1884 it is reported that 12 brethren along with the Right Worshipful Master met at Dysart parish church hall and marched to the town house to join the procession to lay the foundation stone of the Normand memorial hall with full Masonic honors by the Provincial Grand Master Bro J T Oswald and supported by Bro The Earl of Rosslyn Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland and Bro Edward Balfour of Balbirnie Provincial Substitute master 23 Fife Lodges were represented.the hall being the gift of Mrs James Norman in memory of her husband and is dedicated with an Endowment for its uphold
On 3rd December 1884 a communication was read from the Grand Lodge of Scotland requesting a subscription to present Lady Mar a bust of her late husband The Earl of Mar and Kellie Grand Master Mason of Scotland The Lodge agree to Subscribe £1 to the fund
On 26th December 1884 Bro Ronald Crawford Munro Ferguson of Raith and Novar M.P for Ross and Cromarty was entered passed and raised to the noble Degree of Master Mason
On 5th October 1885 Bro M.W.Walker presented to the Lodge a beautiful sword originally belonging to Bro James Young M.D whose name is recorded in the petition for charter from Grand Lodge
In the year 1887 the Lodge became in financial difficulties and on the 9th January 1888 at a meeting held by R.W.M Bro M.W. Walker and supported by Bro Oswald called an emergency meeting to discuss the matter.
So on the 6th of February 1888 the brethren decided to assist the lodge with funds amounting to £6.16/- to keep the lodge afloat.
On 22nd September 1888 a deputation lead by R.W.M Bro Walker went to Kinghorn to witness the laying of the foundation stone at the new school
On 24th September 1888 Bro Randolph Gordon Erskine Wemyss of Wemyss castle was entered passed and raised of the noble order of master mason the R.W.M was supported this evening by J.T Oswald Provincial Grand Master and Bro Briggs Depute Provincial Grand Master and representatives from the following lodges no 69 alloa no 400 burntisland no 531 bridge of weir no 145 160 498 317 no 19 cupar no 520 dysart no 72 kirkcaldie no 570 no 349 st clair edinburgh and no 392 caledonian edinburgh
On 1st October 1888 Bro Robertson presented the Lodge with two wands for the use of by the deacons
At this stage it is reported that the lodge was to settle down in Hunters Hall Kirk Wynd.and at a meeting dated 1st October 1888 the committee were instructed to arrange for a cake and wine banquet on the occasion of the opening of our new lodge room in kirk wynd
The first meeting was held on the 16th of December 1888 and formally opened by R.W.M Bro Walker and assisted by Bro Oswald Provincial Grand Master of fife and Kinross this was noted in the minute book.
On the 27th of December 1888 the lodge held its first festival of St John at Hunters Hall.
On the same evening the brethren of the lodge presented a masonic jewel and apron to Bro Walker for all his hard work before his departure to South Africa
On 2nd March 1889 an application was read from The Royal Arch Chapter no 97 for the use of the hall for their meetings it was agreed to charge 3/ per meeting
On 29th April 1889 Bro Grinton senior deacon informed the lodge that he would be resigning his position due to the fact that he was emigrating to California Bro Cursor R.W.M thanked Bro Grinton for all his services and wished him all the best for the future
On 10th April 1889 Bro Hay applied for a demit as he was preparing to emigrated to South Africa this was approved of by the Lodge and Grand Lodge
On 17th May 1889 a special meeting was held in the Lodge rooms where a Lecture on the depths of freemasonry was explained thereafter the brethren where tested on what they had heard
On 4th June 1889 the tyler Bro Andrew McIntosh had the pleasure of opening the lodge thereafter all the signs of the three degrees were explained by Bro’s Robertson D.M and Melville P.M
On 13th September 1889 a visitation of Lodge Balgonie 764 Markinch which had just been instituted came to witness the workings of a second and third degree before giving these in the own Lodge Bro Dewar the new R.W.M of Lodge Balgonie 764 thanked the Lodge for their heartfelt welcome
On 27th December 1889 P.M Bro Cochrane of Lodge 72 installed the elective office bearers there after he installed Bro Alexander Robertson as Right Worshipful Master.This is the first record of the installed masters degree the brethren then retired to the town house to celebrate the festival of St John when 35 sat down to supper during the evening Bro Major Oswald Provincial Grand Master presented the lodge with his portrait and in his remarks congratulated the lodge on the able manner in which it was worked and the active interest taken by each member in its welfare expressing the hoped that the lodge would soon see its way to build itself a lodge room and saw no reason why it should not acquire its own premises as it had within itself the resources which only require to be stimulate
On the same evening Bro Major Oswald presented Bro John Cursor with a Past Masters Jewel for all his services to the Lodge as R.W.M Bro Cursor thanked the Lodge and informed them of his departure from the district due to work commitments and said the Lodge 468 would always be in his heart
On 18th July 1890 it was agreed by the breathren of the Lodge to charge for the use of the halls these charges would not interfere with the arrangement we have with The Royal Arch Chapter no 97
for small room till 10.30 3/
for small room all night 5/
for both rooms till 10.30 5/6
for both rooms all night 8/6
On 24th February 1890 the R.W.M along with several breathren attended Lodge St Clair of Dysart 520 for the initiation of Lord Loughborough and was very highly gratified at the reception they received
On 22nd March 1890 the R.W.M along with a fine deputation attended the consecration of Lodge Balgonie 764 in Markinch
On 8th September we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro The Earl of Rosslyn he was interred at Rosslyn chapel on 11th of September.(it will be noted that the late Bro signed our petition for a charter as Substitute Master) the R.W.M and several breathren were present at his funeral
On 7th October 1890 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of our Chaplin The Very Reverend Bro Dean Johnston who had severed as Chaplin for many years
On the 3rd of November 1890 a portrait of the late Bro The Earl of Rosslyn as Grand Master Mason was presented to the R.W.M.
On 1st December 1890 P.M Bro John Curror present the lodge with his portrait
On 29th December 1890 Bro W McIntosh was presented with a gold masonic chain by Provincial Grand Master Bro Major Oswald for his services to the Lodge as Tyler
A meeting of Freemasons resident in the district of Wemyss who were favourable to the formation of a Lodge in the district was held in the Parochial Board office in East Wemyss on 26th April 1890 at 7pm Bro Crookston took the chair and stated that Bro Randolph Gordon Erskine Wemyss of Wemyss castle a member of The Lodge Of Oswald Of Dunnikier 468 since 1888 was in favour of the proposal that a Masonic Lodge be formed in West Wemyss. It was agreed to apply to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a charter and to name the Lodge Wemyss and to hold the meetings in West Wemyss The charter for Lodge Wemyss, West Wemyss was granted on 7th August 1890 and bore the coveted number 777.
On 25th September 1890 RWM Bro Randolph Gordon Erskine Wemyss was in the chair.
At a meeting of 19th october 1891 alternative accommodation was again considered and it was agreed to appoint a committee to confer with lodge 72 and the royal arch chapter 97 on this very important subject
On 26th October 1891 A deputation from the lodge were required to attend by Provincial Grand Lodge to assist in opening a Provincial Grand Lodge at Ladybank and in the ceremonial of the consecration of Lodge King Robert The Bruce no 304
The Courier 2nd December 1891
DEMONSTRATION AT LADYBANK. CONSECRATION OF KING ROBERT THE BRUCE LODGE. On Saturday afternoon the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross met at for the purpose of consecrating the new Masonic Hall recently erected for King Robert the Bruce Lodge (No. 304) of Freemasons. Previous to the arrival of the members of the Province, the local lodge met, and was opened by Depute-Master Brother Edwards, and shortly afterwards adjourned the Railway Station to meet the members off the train, after which a procession was formed, and, headed Kettle Instrumental Brass Band, they marched through some of the principal streets of the burgh before the interesting ceremony took place. Besides the good turnout of the local members, a good many of the louges within the Province and others sent very respectable deputations, swelling up the number very considerably. The fine mixture of the several colours worn on the sashes of the respective deputations gave the procession rather enlivening appearance. Amongst those in the procession were deputies from the undemoted lodges, the numbers given being the number of the lodges per Masonic roll books :—Kilwinning (10), Dalkeith ; Coupar of Fife (19), Cupar ; Dunfermline (26), Dunfermline ; Kirkraidie (72), Kirkcaldy; Elgin (91), Leven ; St Cyrs (121), Auchtermuchty; St John’s (141), Campbellton; Dunearn (400), Burntisland ; Oswald Dunnikier (468), Kirkcaldy; Clair (520), Dysart; Balgonie (764), Markinch, &c. As soon as the procession entered the hall the lodge was constituted in due and ancient form, the presiding officer being Brother Major Oswald of Dunnikier, R.W.P.G.M., being supported by Brother General Strathariy, R.W.P.D.M. ; Rev. Brother Anderson, R. W.P.G. Chaplain; Brother Osborne, R.AV.P.G. Secretary and Treasurer, while Brother Nichol, Cupar, P.R.W.P. Sen. D., acted Senior Warden. Brother M’Arthur, Burntisland, R.W.P.J.D., acted Junior Warden, Brother Howie, Cupar, P.G.O. Guard. Brother Oswald gave a short address very befitting the occasion, and trusted that tue cause of Freemasonry would continue prosper in the district. He was proud to hear such favourable reports on all sides concerning the Lodge just consecrated, and he was sorry that Brother Haig, the R.W.M. of the Lodge, had found it quite impossible attend. He also spoke in favourable terms of the bazaar recently held in Edinburgh, which had proved to be such success as quite outstripped the expectations of the most sanguine member. The Chaplain also spoke in the same terms. Perhaps not in the history of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross had they met more auspicious circumstances. Not only were the members hearty in the matters which belonged to them, but now they had fund placed in the hands of the Grand Lodge Benevolent Committee that would doubt be most helpful tbier needful brethren, their wives, and tamilies, and it was most pleasing to note that the exertions put forth by the Chairman’s lady and all those who had so heartily co-operated with them had seen their labours now crowned with so complete success. £10,000 had been asked for, and that sum was not only gathered but nearly doubled. (Applause.) General Briggs gave also some outline of the bazaar work, and was gratified think that the cause of Freemasonry had been so prosperous in the past, but from the present meeting it was quite evident there were to flagging in. the Province in the future. He expressed the hope that brotherly love would long continue in their midst. (Applauce.) Brother the Rev. R. H. Kerr, chaplain of King Robert the Bruce, also took part in the consecration ceremony. Brother lid wards, S.M. of the local lodge, kindly thanked the Provincial Lodge for their attendance, and also the delegates who had turned out freely to witness the ceremony. Before closing. Brother M’Arthur moved that the meeting thank Lady Oswald by letter from’ the Provincial Secretary (Brother Osborne) for the zeal displayed and the great interest taken the Scottish Freemasons’ Benevolent Scheme by her labours in connection with the recent bazaar. Brother Nichol seconded, and the motion was agreed to with acclamation. The meeting then separated.
Up to this period it would appear that the fraternal relationship between the Lodge and the Provincial Grand Lodge was sometimes overcast by shall we say purley domestic differences the rights and wrongs of which can only be judged by the wording of the minute book
On 7th March 1892 Bro A Goodall presented to the Lodge a Plumb-rule and ball all of his own workmanship
On 14th March 1892 the Lodge agreed to give ten shillings to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the benefit of the Lady Campbell Buist fund
On 16th May 1892 a letter from Lodge St Clair of Dysart was read asking for as many members to attend a Masonic service to be held in Dysart Parish church
On 11th June 1892 a deputation from the Lodge attended the consecration of Lodge Wemyss 777
On 2nd September 1892 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro Andrew Torrance Bro Torrance was one of the founding members of the Lodge and had held many offices within the Lodge
On 1st October 1892, Brother J T Oswald of Dunnikier, Provincial Grand Master and the Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross, Consecrated Lodge Randolph no 776 The proceedings were of the most harmonious nature, although there is no evidence of any one signing the Attendance Book on this occasion.
On 5th December 1892 Bro Welsh presented a new set of working tools to the Lodge which were greatly received by the brethren
On 12th December 1892 Bro Ritchie presented to the Lodge a masonic engraving
On 6th March 1893 Bro Heath presented to the lodge a new mosaic pavement with a tassel border all his own work Bro Mitchell presented the Lodge with a mahogany jewel case and Bro Davie presented a silver inscription for said case these gifts were greatly received by the brethren of the Lodge
A special meeting was called On the 5th June 1893 with great sorrow we hear of the death of Bro Major Oswald Provincial Grand Master transcripts of the letter of sympathy and condolences to mrs oswald along with her reply are inscribed in the minute book.In tribute to the memory of the late Grand Master
On the 25th November 1893 The Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross held a Funeral Lodge in Kirkcaldy to the sacred memory of our late Provincial Grand Master Bro Major James Townsend Oswald
Up to this stage no records are available of vacating Kirk Wynd Hall but on 4th December 1893 the monthly meeting was held when six Brethren designated by their name were passed to the Fellowcraft Degree and immediately there after raised to the Degree of Master Mason the office bearers were also elected for the year 1894
On 19th March 1894 Bro Robert Milliken informed the Lodge that he intended to step down as treasurer Bro Milliken was thanked by the lodge for his work as treasurer for the past 5 years Bro James Walker was then duly appointed treasurer
On 14th April 1894 we hear of the first visitation of Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Bro James H Balfour Melville Provincial Grand Master.
On 8th October 1894 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of the following two brothers Bro R Wallace and Bro R Taylor two letters of condolence were to be sent to their wives
On 19th November 1894 at a meeting we are to remove from the public building to Philips school Thistle Street (which was later to become our premises) at a cost of 5/- a night
On 11th February 1895 a deputation from the Lodge attended a masonic service held by Lodge Balfour Melville 809 in the parish church Methil
On the 2nd of march 1896 the Royal Arch Chapter no 97 had purchased the old corn exchange for the purpose of a lodge room and offered Lodge 72 and Lodge 468 a chance to assist offered investment of 31/2% debenture bonds which was accepted. ( debenture form is shown below )
On the 9th of november 1896 the meeting of Lodge no 468 is recorded as being held in the Freemasons Hall Kirkcaldy and at the close of the ceremonial the R.W.M congratulated the brethren on their first meeting in the new hall stating that the freemasons of Kirkcaldy had now an abiding dwelling place of their own and from the number of petitions admitted tonight showed a period of prosperity in the future
On the 22nd June 1897 members of the Lodge assisted The Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross The Right Honourable The Earl Of Rosslyn lay the foundation stone of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kirkcaldy ( pictures at foot of page )
On 30th May 1898 a letter from Lodge Kirkcaldie 72 was read asking for a deputation to attend a church service at St James parish church on the 3rd sabbath of June it was agreed to sent such a deputation
On 24th October 1898 the R.W.M Bro Alex Goodall presented a handsome cigar case to Bro George Blair S.W on the occasion of his marriage
On 22nd May 1899 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro David Watson Gardener Treasurer of the Lodge who was taken from us at the early age of 29 years
On 5th November 1899 Mrs Oswald of Dunnikier offered a large picture to the Lodge which was greatly accepted
On 5th February 1900 it was agreed by The Royal Arch Chapter no 97 that we would have a reduction of 2/6 on our monthly rent
On 5th July 1900 it was agreed to attend a procession to mark the peace between the British and Transvaal Government organised by the Provost and Magistrates of Kirkcaldy
On 7th January 1901 the Lodge had its first musical service Bro Ian Russell being the organist
On 2nd February 1901 a special meeting of the combinded Lodges headed by R.W.M Bro Andrew Adamson of Lodge Kirkcaldie 72 in a memorial service to commemorate the death of her majesty Queen Victoria the service was conducted by Bro Robert Johnston chaplain of Lodge 72
On 10th April 1901 S.M Bro Andrew Menzies was presented with a gold master masons jewel on the occasion of him leaving for Canada
On 26th October 1902 The Lodge held a Divine Service at St Peters Episcopal Church R.W.M Bro Alex Lockhart said he was proud so many sister Lodges attended that day
On 2nd February 1903 a proposal was held in the Lodge to purchase new aprons at a cost of 17/ 6 and new sashes at a cost of 12/ 6 and that the name and number of the Lodge be inscribed upon them in gold lettering at a cost of 3/ 6 for each sash
On 11th April 1904 Bro Jas Robertson Treasurer moved that 50 Life Membership Diplomas begot of which would cost six shillings each seconded by P.M Alex Lockhart
On 15th October 1904 A Deputation of the Lodge attended the laying of the foundation stone at Lodge Union 250 Dunfermline
On 4th December 1904 eighty brethren of various sister Lodges took part in the funeral service for Bro Alex Cruickshanks The brethren were marshalled to the grave in the usual masonic manner Mrs Cruickshanks and family thanked the Lodge for there part in the ceremony
On 20th February 1905 various sister Lodge were represented at the funeral service for Bro James Walker the ceremony was conducted in the usual masonic order
On 18th May 1905 A Deputation of the Lodge was in attendance at the consecration of Lodge St Leonards 935 Kinghorn
On 6th March 1906 a letter from Lodge Odin 917 Dounby Kirkwall asking assistance for there fund on building a new masonic hall a sum of 10/ was granted
On 2nd April 1906 it was agreed to purchase six aprons and sashes from Bro J.C Scott
On 29th April 1906 the Lodge held a Divine Service at St Peters Church The Rev Bro Chas Gardyne gave a very instructive and eloguant service
On 7th February 1907 the Lodge showed their appreciation of Bro Goodalls appointment to the office of Grand Bard to the provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross
At a Provincial Grand Lodge visitation On 24th January 1910 Bro H.H. Brown Prov Grand Master intimated he had appointed Bro Alexander Robertson P.M Lodge 468 as Prov Grand Depute Master.
On 9th May 1910 the Lodge held a special meeting to pay tribute to the late King Edward VII a letter of condolence was to be sent to the Royal family a copy of the letter is inscribed in the minute book
On 19th June 1910 the Lodge held a divine service at Invertiel Church Bro Rev Robert Glasgow presiding ( see below )
On 5th April 1910 the R.WM Bro George Macleod along with the brethern of the Lodge presented Bro Robert Wallace Secretary with a tea service on the occasion of his forthcoming marriage
On 28th April 1911 a deputation from Lodge 468 headed by R.W.M William Wright and Past Masters McLeod and Hastie attended the laying of the memorial stone of the Freemasons Hall Edinburgh.
On March 18th 1912 A deputation from Lodge St Leonards 935 headed by R.W.M Bro James Gibson and his office bearers worked a third degree
On 8th February 1913 a deputation of the lodge attended the 150th anniversary of Lodge Elgin no 91
At a meeting of the Lodge on 7th April 1913 it was agreed to recommend Bro Lord Bruce now the Earl of Elgin as Prov Grand Master of Fife and Kinross.
On 7th july 1913 R.W Master reported that along with Bros Burt.Wright,Easton and Scott he had attended the installation of Bro R.T Hon Lord Bruce as Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross the ceremonial being carried out by R.W Grand Master Depute Bro Colonel R.King Stewart
On 1st December 1913 the R.W.M Bro T.C Robertson presented two mallets to the Lodge for the use of by the Senior and Junior wardens he himself having made them from the wood of a gun carrage used at the battle of Waterloo
On 16th February 1914 A letter of congratulations was sent to Bro Rt Hon R.C Munro Ferguson M.P of Raith and Novar on the appointment to the important office of governor general of Australia
On 30th March 1914 Bro Milne and Bro Dunbar visited Lodge St Leonards and presented them with two mallets for the use of the Senior and junior Wardens as a mark of respect from Lodge Oswald of Dunnikier 468
On 2nd November 1914 a letter from Grand Secretary asking help from Lord Tullibardine in referance to the brethren collecting and forwarding field glasses to the scottish forces also the lodge to donate £5 to the Prince of Wales war fund
On 6th September 1915 .R.W.M T.C Robertson conferred Honorary Membership on Bro Henry H Brown I.P.Provincial Grand Master and Bro Tennant Gordon Past Grand secretary who accepted the honor with pleasure
On 14th January 1915 Bro David Usher (secretary) was called to the colours Bro Andrew Todd appointed as interim secretary
On 18th February 1915 the sum of £8-4/ was given by the treasurer for xmas gifts to be sent to brethren serving with the colours
On 25th February 1915 Bro Usher was presented with an Honorarium of £10-10/ for his services as secretary
On 12th March 1915 we learn Pte Bro William Small had been killed in action Bro Small was initiated on 6th September 1914
On 27th April 1915 we learn that bro Robert Glasgow has been killed in action at Gillipoli serving with the 3rd infantry battalion Australian Forces Robert was Initiated into the Lodge on 26th July 1909
On 6th November 1916 a donation of £1-1/ was given to Glasgow Royal Infirmary
On 2nd July 1917 a donation of £3-3/ was given to the Scottish red cross
On 20th October 1917 we learn that P.M Bro T.C Robertson had been killed in active duty Bro Robertson was initiated into the Lodge on 18th may 1903 and was Master from 1912-1915
On 17th December 1917 the R.W.M Bro Gentle agreed to send parcels to serving member of the Lodge to the sum of £10 that amounting to around 20 members serving overseas
On 29th December we learn of the death of Bro Captain Elder who had been captured by a German submarine and a letter of condolence be sent to his widow
On 24th December 1917 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro James Lumsden Bro Lumsden was initiated into the Lodge on the 7th October 1897 and was R.W.M from 1915-16
On July 1st 1918 Bro James Reid our Junior Warden has been called to the colours and on the motion of Bro Carron the office bearers were advanced protem
On 14th July 1918 we learn that the eldest son of P.M Bro James Burt has been killed in action a letter of condolence was sent to Bro Burts family
On 19th August 1918 we learn that Bro Second Lieut James Howieson Barnet had been killed in action Bro Barnet was initiated into the Lodge on 18th October 1909
On the same evening we learn that P.M Bro Alex Lockhart is to emigrate to America
On 23rd September 1918 we learn that Bro Gilbert Innes Joe had been killed in action Bro Joe had only been in the Lodge since 8th April 1918
On 21st October 1918 a letter from P.M Bro William Wright sending fraternal greeting from France
On 11th November 1918 the R.W.M had the pleasure of announcing the news that the signing of the armistice with Germany
On 30th November 1918 A Deputation from Lodge Rosyth 1159 headed by R.W.M Bro Vickers were invited into the Lodge to confer a third degree
On 6th January 1919 Bro Hoffman and Bro Anderson of the U.S Navy were introduced to the Lodge Bro Hoffman presented to the Lodge a used shell fired by the U.S Navy as a momento of his visit
On 16th June 1919 the Lodge had the pleasure to send a letter of congratulations to Bro St Clair Oswald on his honour bestowed on him (see below)
St. James’s Palace, S.W.
3rd June, 1919.
The KING .has been graciously pleased, on
the occasion of His Majesty’s Birthday, to give
orders for the following appointments to the
Most Honourable Order of the Bath for services
in connection with the War : —
To be Additional Members of the Civil Division
of the Third Class, or Companions, of
Colonel St. Clair Oswald, D.L., Chairman,
Fifeshire T.F. Association.
During the war years masonry was at low ebb as many office bearers were called to the colours but as the war ended and peace returned the Oswald of Dunnikier Lodge shared in the flowing tide of entrants.
In the years 1919-1920 the then R.W.M Bro H Carron. Initiated into the lodge 336 Intrants of which 302 were advanced to the mark.
The minutes recorded that during these two years the total meetings held were 131.
And more interesting to note that at 61 meetings two degrees were worked at each.
In the coming years the lodge prospered another 144 intranets were initiated 136 Advancing to the mark
On 8th April 1920 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro Alex Robertson Bro Robertson was initiated into the Lodge on 10th October 1881 and was Master from 1889 – 1890 a memorial service will be held on Sunday 11th April in his memory
On 7th October 1920 Bro Andrew Todd Senior Warden of the Lodge was presented with a handsome dressing case and regalia on his leaving for India
On 1st November 1920 Bro Hines presented to the Lodge the letter G on his leaving for the Mediterrain
On 6th December 1920 the Lodge granted £5 towards the marriage presentation for Provincial Grand Master Bro the Earl Of Elgin
On 21st Febuary 1921 the Lodge granted £10 towards the local war memorial as a first installment
On 16th March 1921 47 brethren were advanced to the Mark Degree
On 19th September 1921 we learn that Bro James Gray Secretary had received another appointment and would be leaving the Lodge Bro Claud Neilson was appointed interim Secretary
On 17th October 1921 33 Brethren were advanced to the Mark Degree
At a meeting dated 7th november 1921 it was agreed the R.W.Master and wardens attend Grand Lodge for the installation of Bro Rt Hon The Earl of Elgin as Grand Master Mason Of Scotland on 30th november and thereafter attend the festival of St Andrew the Lodge to bear all expenses
Continuing a retrospect of the years 1921 and 1922 shows that we still shared the prosperity of the times with Bro David Deas as R.W Master total number of meetings 86 allocated as 38 regular and 48 special 19 of which two Degrees were worked at each total number of intrants 144 of which 136 were advanced to the mark
On 20th February 1922 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro Joseph Barclay who was Master of the Lodge from 1903-1906
On 5th June 1922 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.James Burt who was Master of the Lodge from 1894-1897 A memorial service was held in St Brycedales Church on the 11th June
On 10th March 1923 representatives of the Lodge attended the consecration of the new Masonic Temple at Lodge Randolph no 776
On 1st July 1923 along with The Lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72 we held A divine Church service at Kirkcaldy Parish Church conducted by Bro Smith-Henderson Chaplain of Lodge 72 the proceeds of £13-16-9 given to Kirkcaldy Hospital
On 4th March 1924 representatives of the Lodge attended the Raising of Bro Earl Haig at Elgins Lodge at Leven no 91
On 17th March 1924 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of our R.W.M Bro William Syme who was Master of the Lodge from 1922 six Past Master were pall bearers at his funeral on the 20th March
On 16th March 1925 we hear that Bro Lord Elgin is to be appointed to the office of Lord High Commissioner a letter of congratulation was sent to Lord Elgin
On the 4th January 1926 the trustees of the three owing bodies Ourselves The Lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72 and The Royal Arch Chapter no 97 agreed to purchase The Unionist club premises (originally Philips school Thistle St) for the sum of £2300.
At a meeting dated 15th November 1926 held in the Masonic Hall Rose Street R.W.Master intimated that the next meeting would be held in the new premises Thistle Street secretary to apply to Provincial Grand Lodge for permission to meet there
On 6th December 1926 we held our first meeting at the new Masonic hall Thistle Street
At a meeting on the 22nd October 1927 at 2.30 pm Bro R.T Hon The Earl of Elgin along with 13 distinguished brethren from Provincial Grand Lodge opened the lodge.
Then a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Bro Lord Blythswood along with 14 distinguished brethren adjourned the Prov Grand Lodge and Grand Lodge was opened and the temple was consecrated for The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie No 72 and The Oswald of Dunnikier 468.
On 20th October 1928 Bro James Townsend Oswald P.G.M along with brethren from the Lodge consecrated Lodge Rothes 532
On 18th March 1929 Bro Bell presented to the Lodge a new Third Degree Emblem along with a case to contain it
On 28th October 1929 a Deputation from Lodge St Clair of Balbeggie no 867 headed by R.W.M Bro Jeffries to confer a Third Degree
In the 1930s the lodge was at a very low level and with world war II looming things were very low so in 1940 the Lodge approached Past Master Bro William.H.Carron to return with the view to rebuilding our former status in the years 1941-42 this worked very well and the Lodge once again prospered during these two years the ministry of works took possession of our premises and we moved to Coal wynd and then to Oswald wynd,
On 14th March 1932 we learn of the passing top Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro David Louden Bro Louden was Master of the Lodge from 1893-1894
On 30th March 1934 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro Ronald Munro Ferguson 1st Viscount Novar a letter of condolences was sent to Viscountess Novar
On 20th January the Master moved that the death of King George V be recorded in the minute book
On 3rd May 1937 Bro George Dempster from Lodge St Oswald no 442 Melbourne Australia presented a gavel to the Lodge a letter of appreciation was sent to Lodge St Oswald no 442
On 15 January 1940 Bro Thomas Simpson was appointed Secretary
On 18th February 1940 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro Stuart McDonald Bro McDonald was Master of the Lodge from 1906-1908
On 18th November 1940 we received a letter from P.G.L regarding air raid warnings ( see below )
On 17th March we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro William Clark Bro Clark was Master of the Lodge from 1924-1926
On 18th December 1941 Bro A Stevenson P.M of Lodge St Clair of Dysart 520 presented to the lodge a ritual belonging to P.M Bro Walker who was Master of the Lodge from 1886-1888 Bro Stevenson gave a resume of its history
On 15th February 1943 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro James Louden Bro Louden was Master of the Lodge from 1929-1930
On 1st March 1943 the Lodge presented a floor standing lamp to P.M Bro William H Carron for his services as R.W.M for a second term from 1940-1942
On 22nd April we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro James Gentles Bro Gentles was Master of the Lodge from 1916-1918
On 5th July 1943 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro John Methven Bro Methven was Master of the Lodge from 1926-1929
On 20th September 1943 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro William Wright Bro Wright was Master of the Lodge from 1910-1912
On 8th November 1943 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro William Lumsden Bro Lumsden was Master of the Lodge from 1915-1916
On December 1943 it was agreed that 10/- to be allocated to each member serving with the armed forces at home and cigarettes to the same value to members overseas and prisoners of war
This year 1943 the Lodge had 58 Intrants and 2 Affiliates the highest total since 1922 40 Brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 6th March 1944 Bro Secretary announced that 33 gifts were sent to members of the Lodge serving with H.M Forces he also announced that 17 letter of appreciation had been received and had much pleasure in reading them to the Lodge
On 15th May 1944 Bro Secretary received letters from Bro D Brown and Bro F.R Ness in india and Bro A Dunsire in Africa acknowledging there letter and gift
On 16th October 1944 R.W.M Bro David White extended a welcome home to Bro Leask on his repatriation from Germany
On 23rd October Bro Dan Simpson gifted six Volumes of The History Freemasonry to be used by the Lodge
On 6th November 1944 P.M Bro David Deas was installed as Provincial Grand Junior Deacon
On 20th November 1944 the Bro Secretary agreed to gift a further £1 to all members serving with H.M Forces seconded by Bro Thomson
This year 1944 we saw 65 intrants into the Lodge 82 Brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 10 th December 1945 R.W.M Bro Cuthill paid special reference to Bro Willerby who had been absent in the force for 9 years
On 17th December Bro Captain John Robb reported on visiting Lodge Aggrey no 1396 Nigeria West Africa during his time with the Forces
This year 1945 we saw 65 intrants same as last year with 46 Brethren advanced to the Mark
After the war we returned to our premises and with compensation from the ministry of works we decorated throughout.
On 24th May 1946 The Lodge held a a victory dance in the Adam Smith Halls
On 9th September 1946 A Deputation of 60 Brethren from Lodge St Margarets Hope no 1184 were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 2nd December 1946 Bro Hunter raised the the matter of having a Regalia fund for replenishment of our Regalia seconded by Bro E Page it was agreed that all profits from further social activities be forward to this fund
In the year ending 1946 we saw 80 intrants into the Lodge with 40 meetings being held 68 Brethren were advanced to the Mark Degree
On 28th April 1947 A Deputation from The Lodge of Journeymen Masons no8 Edinburgh headed by R.W.M.Bro Robert Smith was received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree after the conculsion of the Degree Bro Smith presented to the lodge a history of the Lodge of Journeyman Masons compiled by P.M Bro Stewart Heggie who was part of the Deputation this evening
On 26th May 1947 we received a new carpet at the cost of £30-6/8 being shared with Lodge no 72
On 25th October 1947 A Deputation from Lodge “The Kings Park ” no 1386 headed by R.W.M Bro Smith were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 17th November 1947 Bro Secretary reported on representing the Lodge at Lodge St Clair of Balbeggie’s 50th anniversary
On 1st December 1947 A Letter from Lodge Major Ness no 948 was read thanking us for gifting them our old carpet
In the year ending 1947 we saw 83 intrants into the Lodge with 40 Meetings being held and 86 Brethren advanced to the Mark Degree
On 5th April 1948 A letter from Messrs Hattoline + Sons accepting our order for 15 aprons and sashes and 3 sets of gauntlets at a cost of 19 clothing coupons
On 8th May 1948 A Deputation from Lodge Ballingry no 1183 headed by R.W.M Bro Andrew Russell were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 31st May 1948 A Deputation from Lodge Wemyss no 777 headed by R.W.M Bro Thomas Anderson were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 27th September A Deputation from The Lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72 headed by R.W.M Bro Andrew Grant were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 11th October 1948 we learn that R.W.M Bro Edward Page was to leave the district therefore resigning the position of R.W.Master P.M Bro Cuthill to fill in till installation meeting
On 25th October Bro W Lee presented to the Lodge an easel to hold the Tracing Board
On 8th November 1948 The Lodge agreed to hold a children’s treat and an old folks treat on the 11th December this was our first endeavour to hold such treats
Both these event proving very successful
In the year ending 1948 we saw 49 intrant’s into the Lodge with 36 meeting being held and 42 Brethren being advanced to the Mark
On 14th March 1949 A Deputation from Lodge Solomon no 1209 headed by R.W.M Bro Laing were received into the Lodge to work a mark Degree
On 13th February 1950 Bro Ronaldson presented to the Lodge a new Volume of the Sacred Law
On 24th April A Deputation from Lodge “The Kings Park ” headed by R.W.M Bro W.M.Young was received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 29th September 1950 A Deputation from Lodge St Margarets Hope No 1184 headed by R.W.M Bro W Main was received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
In the year ending 1950 we saw 27 Intrants into the Lodge with 26 meetings being held and 33 Brethren advanced to the Mark
On 30th April 1951 A Deputation from Lodge St Fothads no 1059 Headed by R.W.M Bro Gourlay were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
The minutes record that the masonic homes Auld Wharrie Dunblane was opened on Saturday 27th October 1951
On 12th November 1951 A Deputation from Lodge Oswald of Dunnikier 468 worked a Master Masons Degree at Lodge Dunse no 23
At a meeting dated 11th February 1952 secretary read obituary inscribed in the minute book in tribute to the memory of the Late King George VI Past Grand Master Mason Of Scotland who died on 6th February the brethren observed two minute silence in token of our esteem and respect
A Letter From P.G Secretary was read stating that Three Months of Mourning will be observed by the Scottish Craft and that all Aprons of the Office Bearers should be covered in black crepe or black rosettes The Alter of the Lodge to be draped with a black or purple cloth and no social functions to be held by any Lodge till after 21st February
On 11th February 1952 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Davidson were received into the Lodge to Work a Master Masons Degree
On 14th April 1952 A Deputation from Lodge Elgin and Bruce no 1077 headed by R.W.M Bro Lord Bruce were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 13th October it is with regret that we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M.Bro B.F Page Bro Page was Master of the Lodge from 1936-1939 we also learn that three other brethren had passed to Grand Lodge above Bro Sir Michael Nairn Bro A Muirhead and Bro James Kennedy
On 27th October A Deputation from Abernethy Round Tower Lodge no 1429 headed by R.W.M Bro Ferguson were received into the Lodge to work an Entered Apprentice Degree
On 29th November 1952 A Deputation from Lodge Dunse no 23 headed by R.W.M Bro Kinross were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 9th March 1953 A Deputation from Lodge St Andrew no 25 headed by R.W.M Bro G.Gordon were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 16th April 1953 A Deputation from Oswald of Dunnikier 468 went to Abernethy Round Tower Lodge no 1429 to work a First Degree
On 24th December 1953 A Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross headed by Bro John Wilson R.W Depute Provincial Grand Master were received into the Lodge to work the Installation Meeting Of Bro John McEwan Young The Installing Team This evening were Bro D.S.C McNeil Provincial Grand Secretary and Bro Rt Hon Lord Bruce R.W Substitute Provincial Grand Master
On 28th December 1953 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro David White Bro White was Master of the Lodge from 1942-1944
On 22nd February 1954 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro McGregor were received into the Lodge to work an Entered Apprentice Degree
In the Year ending 1954 we saw 33 intrants into the Lodge with 23 meetings being held 24 brethren being advanced to the Mark
On 14th March 1955 A Deputation from Lodge St Clair of Dysart no 520 headed by R.W.M Bro William Grubb was received into the Lodge to work an Entered Apprentice Degree
On 23rd May 1955 Bro Robert Muir Somerville was initiated into the Lodge Bro Somerville was later to become one of Lodge Oswald of Dunikier’s most respected patrons ( A more in depth record of Bro Somervilles Masonic Career is in a dedications page on this website )
On 12th December 1955 A Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross headed by Bro John Wilson R.W Depute Provincial Grand Master were received into the Lodge to work the Installation Meeting Of Bro Thomas William.Pinchen The Installing Team This evening were Bro D.S.C McNeil Provincial Grand Secretary and Bro Rt Hon Lord Bruce R.W Substitute Provincial Grand Master
On 13th February 1956 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro James Pitcathly were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree On the same evening Bro Robert Muir Somerville was elected Sword Bearer
On 23rd April 1956 A Deputation from Lodge St Andrew no 25 headed by R.W.M Bro Thomas Pallin were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
In the year ending 1956 we saw 35 intrants into the Lodge with 25 meetings being held 26 brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 18th March 1957 A Deputation from Lodge Duneaen no 400 headed by R.W.M Bro George Brummer were received into the Lodge to work an Entered Apprentice Degree
On 14th October 1957 in token of our esteem and for services rendered to freemasonry in general Honorary Membership of the Lodge was conferred on
Bro Rt Hon Lord Bruce Provincial Grand Master Of Fife and Kinross
On 24th March 1958 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro James Burnett were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 24th April 1958 in token of our esteem and for services rendered to freemasonry in general Honorary Membership of the Lodge was conferred on Bro D.S.C.Mcneill Provincial Grand Secretary Of Fife and Kinross
The historical sketch of the lodge would not be complete without mentioning the name of Bro David Deas R.W.Master 1921 and 1922 who died on 26th may 1958 Bro Deas was a very familiar figure in our assemblies and dominated that position for over 40 years holding continuously the office of chaplain and also as proxy from the Lodge at Grand Lodge he was also a faithful member of the Provincial Grand Lodge attaining the rank of Provincial Grand Senior Warden and also conferred with Honorary Grand Architect by Grand Lodge Bro Deas was held in high esteem in all branches of masonry of his association and the Lodge in mourning his demise was compiled and ably delivered as inscribed in the minute book by Bro Thomas Simpson Secretary
On 26th July 1958 it is with regret were learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro John Ingram Bro Ingram was Master of the lodge from 1932-193
On 8th October 1958 the lodge in recognition the ungrudging services rendered by Bro Thomas Simpson presented him with a secretary’s gold jewel suitably inscribed in token of the devoted services rendered to the Lodge throughout the years 1940-1958
In the year ending 1958 we saw 25 intrants into the Lodge with 19 meetings being held 20 brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 25th October 1959 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro William H Ogilvie who served the Lodge as Organist for many years and also was at the time of his death he was Provincial Grand Director of Music
In the year ending 1959 we saw 27 intrant’s into the Lodge with 18 meetings being held 20 brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 25th January 1960 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Alex Gardener were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 12th December 1960 P.M Bro Andrew Penman of Lodge St Clair of Dysart no 520 was given Honorary Membership of the Lodge
In the year ending 1960 we saw 18 intrants into the Lodge with 18 meetings being held 14 brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 23rd March 1961 Bro Secretary along with S.M Bro Henderson visited the two Scottish Masonic Homes in Dunblane Randolph Hill and Ault Wharrie and were very warmly welcomed Bro Secretary reported that our contributions to these premises were well spent
On 10th April 1961 two distinguished brethren from Lodge Sir Walter Scott no 859 Western Australia in the persons of Bro Peter M Cameron J.P District Grand Master and Bro James R Bell Proxy District Grand Master visited the Lodge
On 24th April 1961 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Alex Taylor were received into the Lodge to work an Entered Apprentice Degree
On 12th June 1961 it is with regret that we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro William Hampton Carron Bro Carron was Initiated into the Lodge on the 2nd June 1913 He was Master of the Lodge from 1918-1920 and again from 1940-1942 completing 58 years membership He was Also the Founding First Principal of the Royal Arch Chapter St Serf of Dysart no 514 and was a member of many other Masonic Orders
On 11th December 1961 Bro Alexander Morgan presented to the Lodge Two Walnut Collection Plates
In the year ending 1961 we saw 13 intrants into the Lodge with 17 meetings being held 18 Brethren were advanced to the Mark
In the year ending 1962 we saw 16 intrants into the Lodge with 16 meetings being held 10 Brethren were advanced to the Mark
At a regular meeting dated 11th February 1963 by special invitation Bro Lord Bruce Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross and Grand Master Mason of Scotland in addressing Bro Thomas Simpson Secretary referred to the services rendered to freemasonry in general and in particular Lodge no 468 and it was but fitting the Lodge recognise same by causing this Honour to be bestowed and it was his pleasure on behalf of the Lodge to present Bro Simpson with the Distinguished Service Diploma and in congratulating him on attending this Honour wished him good health to continue the good work of the craft
On 29th April 1963 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro James Davidson were recieved into the lodgeto work a Master Masons Degree
In the year ending 1963 we saw 12 intrant’s into the Lodge with 17 meetings being held 12 brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 2nd March 1964 A Deputation from Lodge Robert De Bruce no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Thomas Young were received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
On 12th May 1964 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro Walter G.P.Watt Treasurer for the past ten years Bro Watt was initiated into the Lodge on 13th February 1950 thereafter becoming Almoner until 1954 when he took up position of Treasurer and in token of our esteem and appreciation of his faithful services a funeral Lodge was to be held on the 1st June 1964
In the year ending 1964 we saw 17 intrant’s into the Lodge with 19 meetings being held 17 brethren were advanced to the Mark
On 28th April 1965 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro Peter Clarkson Hunter Bro Hunter was initiated into the Lodge on 3rd February 1941 and was Secretary from 1944-1951
On 10th May 1965 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.W, Bro Johnson Morris was received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
In the year ending 1965 we saw 16 intrants into the Lodge with 18 meetings being held no Mark Degree were held
On 10th January 1966 A Deputation from Lodge Thane of Fife no 781 headed by R.W.M Bro Andrew Adamson was received into the Lodge to work a Mark Master Masons Degree
On 14th February 1966 A Deputation from Lodge St John Dalzell no 406 headed by R.W.M Bro Gordon McPhee was received into the Lodge to work a Master Masons Degree
In the year ending 1966 we saw 8 intrant’s into the Lodge with 12 meetings being held 11 brethren were advanced to the Mark
On the 4th day of February 1967 the lodge held a service of re-dedication in honour of our centenary and the consecration of our new regalia
Office Bearers 1966-1967 Centenary Year
R.W Master Bro Robert M.Somerville
I.P.Master Bro S.B.Arthur
Depute Master Bro Robert More
Subst Master Bro Wilfred Lee P.M
Senior Warden Bro Thomas Mustard
Junior Warden Bro David Todd
Secretary Bro Thomas Simpson
Treasurer Bro Robert S.Wallace P.M
Almoner Bro Andrew K.Anderson
Chaplain Bro James M.Henderson P.M
Senior Deacon Bro James Grubb
Junior Deacon Bro Robert B.Duncan
Dir Of Ceremonies Bro Archibald Brown
Architect Bro John W.Simpson
Jeweller Bro David .C Foggo
Bible Bearer Bro William Fleming snr
Sword Bearer Bro Alexander Miller
Dir Of Music Bro Andrew Wales
Inner Guard Bro John Marshall
Marshal Bro William Fleming jr
Steward Bro David Richie
Tyler Bro Henry Milne
The Right Worshipful Master Bro Ian Mackenzie thanks Bro Thomas Simpson who spent a lot of time and effort to scribe this history of our lodge for our first one hundred year
On January 1st 1966 the year before. The trustees of the halls held a meeting regarding the cost of running the halls in hill street
On the 13th march 1967 Bro Ian Hamilton Reid Lawson was initiated into the lodge (later to become master thereof in 1998 )
On the 10th april 1967 Bro George Reid was initiated into the lodge (later to become master thereof in 1984)
On the 30th November 1967 we received notification that Bro Thomas Simpson secretary was to be elevated to the rank of Honorary Grand Marshall by the most Worshipful Grand Master Lord Bruce the R.W.M suggested that the lodge present Bro Simpson with the collar and the jewel of his high office
The year 1967 our centenary year we saw 10 entrants initiated into the Lodge we held 15 meetings with an average of 53 per meeting 20 members were advanced to the mark
With regret we lost 5 members to the Grand Lodge above
Bro Ewan Steven 12/07/1967 a member for 25 years
Bro David Leitch 1/08/1967 a member for 43 years
Bro Paul Siegfried muller 3/06/1967 ailong with his wife in an air disaster
Bro David Barn 11/08/1967 a member for 20 years
Bro Andrew Knox Anderson Almoner 1960-67 15/12/1967 a member for 39 years Bro Anderson also held office in many other masonic orders
On the 12th February 1968 the Lodge had the pleasure to welcome Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross Bro Lord Bruce into the Lodge along with P.M Bro David Robertson of Lodge 468 Provincial Grand Senior Warden to perform the duties of presenting to Bro Thom Simpson the diploma of Honorary Grand Marshall and also to present him with a collar and jewel provided by the Lodge in honour to his services to the Lodge and his mother Lodge Elgin & Bruce No 1077
On the 26th February we had the pleasure of Lodge St John Dalzell No 406 Motherwell into the Lodge to confer the Fellowcraft Degree
On 6th May 1968 we held a Lodge of Sorrow in memory of two respected brothers Bro Thomas Cuthill P.M Almoner he was initiated into Lodge on 26th May 1920 and was Master from 1945-47 serving the Lodge for 43 years and Bro Andrew Knox Anderson I.P Almoner he was initiated into the Lodge on 3rd september 1928 and was Almoner from 1960-67
On the 2nd December 1968 we had the pleasure of a large deputation from Lodge Dunearn No 400 to work a Master Masons degree
The year 1968 showed we had 11 meetings with seven entrants attendance was on average 43 per meeting again this year we lost three brothers to the Grand Lodge above
Bro James Marr 5/2/1968 a member for 28 years
Bro Andrew Knox Anderson 7/2/1968 a member for 13 years
Bro Thomas Cuthill P.M Almoner 8/4/1968 a member for 48 years
On 10th February 1969 a clearence letter was received to allow former member Bro William Neely to affiliate to Lodge Thatcham No 8121 E.C
On the 12th May 1969 the Lodge had the pleasure of inviting Bro Hugh C Munro Sub Provincial Grand Master to present to Bro Frances Inglis a certificate to mark his 59 years in the craft Grand Lodge jubilee and also a centenary jewel from his mother Lodge
On the same evening a large deputation from Lodge Dalzell No 406 conferred the Mark Degree on seven brothers of the Lodge
This year we held 13 meetings with 11 entrants and seven brothers advanced to the mark average attendance this year was 41 thankfully we had no bereavements this year
A clearance letter was accepted by the Lodge to allow Bro Ian Edward Dunlop Boreham to affilate to Lodge St Margaret Hope No 1184
On 9th March 1970 Bro Robert Smith now residing in Los Angeles was sent a jubilee certificate marking his 50th year in the craft
A clearance letter was given to Lodge St Luke No 132 to affiliate Bro William Bowden Hume into their Lodge
On 14th September 1970 Bro Andrew P King Sub Provincial Grand Master gave a lecture to the Lodge on organ music applicable to masonic ceremonies
This year we held 12 meetings with 7 entrants being introduced into the Lodge 8 members were advanced to the mark attendances were on average 38 per meeting again no bereavements were recorded
On the 11th January 1971 with regret we learn of the passing on December 29th 1970 of Past Master Bro John Mcewan Young aged 91 years Bro Young was initiated into the Lodge on 31st January 1944 and was Master of the Lodge from 1953-55 and thereafter Chaplin 1959-66 completing 27 years membership
On the 11th January 1971 Bro John Collier was initiated into the lodge (later to become master thereof in 1982)
On 22nd February 1971 it was announced that three brethern were to be awarded the jubilee certificate for 50 year membership Bro Daniel Fisher initiated 4/6/1917 Bro Archibald Brown initiated 1/3/1920 and Bro Secretary initiated 2/2/1921
On 29th March 1971 the Lodge received a letter from the Grand Master Mason with regards to the retirement of Grand Secretary after 23 years service to subscribe to a presentation fund the Lodge donated £5
On Monday 31st May 1971 a special meeting of the joint trustee was held in the board room of mesers Beveridge Herd & Whyte 22 high street Kirkcaldy to discuss the sale of the masonic halls in hill street to the rio stakis group for the sum of £25.000 it was agreed by the three owning bodies to go ahead with the sale
It is with deep regret we learn the three brothers had passed to the Grand Lodge above in the space of six days Bro Thomas Meldrum 8/6/1971 aged 48 initiated 22/12/1958 and was J.D from 64-65 Bro Archibald Brown 12/6/1971 aged 79 initiated 1/3/1920 and was Almoner from 70-71 and Bro William Morrison Gray aged 44 initiated 16/5/1955
It was also suggested that Bro Brown having completed 51 years in the craft be awarded with the grand jubilee certificate
On the 13th of September we held our first meeting in the new Masonic Temple Forth Avenue Kirkcaldy R.W.M Bro David Todd presiding
A dermit was read granting Bro James Stocks for affilation to St Johns No 618 Hong Kong
On 11th October 1971 during our annual provincial visitation Bro Andrew P King Sub Provincial Grand Master had the pleasure of awarding the jubilee certificate to three brethren on there completion of fifty years in the craft Bro Daniel Fisher Bro John Webster and Bro Thom Simpson secretary of the Lodge
On the 2nd of November 1971 a special meeting was held by the Lodges The Oswald of Dunnikier No 468 and the Lodge of Kirkcaldie No 72 for the purpose of consecration of the new Masonic Temple this duty was duly performed by Bro The Right Honourable The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross
On the 8th of November Bro John Napier of the Lodge of Kirkaldie No 72 was bestowed upon him Honoury Membership of the Lodge Oswald of Dunnikier No 468 for his services as clerk of the works during the erection of the new temple
On the 28th October 1972 we learn with regret the Bro Thom Simpson secretary is to retire from the position of the said post having been in that office for 32 years it is proposed that Bro David Todd become interim secretary after our annual installation in December
A special meeting this year was held on christmas eve when a Bro Thomas Aitchison Mackie was initiated into the Chair
On 11th February 1974 we learn that Bro David Kirk had passed to the Grand Lodge above Bro Kirk was initiated into the lodge in 1920
On 11th March the Lodge bestowed Honorary membership to Bro David Herd Of Lodge Wemyss 777 for his services as acting Tyler for the past two seasons
At a committee meeting dated 19th august 1974 it was agreed to restart the meetings to two per calendar month
On 11th November 1974 a clearance letter was given to Bro J Macdonald to affilate to Lodge Pembroke 128 Ontario Canada
On 25th November 1974 with regret we learn the P.M Bro J Doig had passed to the grand Lodge above Bro Doig was master of the lodge from 193
At a special meeting on 24th February 1975 the collection that evening £8.85 was to be donated to Lodge Ballingry 1183 who lost their regalia due to a break-in
At a regular meeting on 12th May 1975 Bro Andrew Wales Director of music was presented with the distinguished service membership diploma
On 15th December 1975 with regret we learn that three brethren had passed to the grand lodge above Bro John Braid Bro Alexander Arthur and Bro David Duncan
On 24th April 1976 Bro John McColl P.M of Lodge Heart of Midlothian No 832 was afflilted into the Lodge
On 26th April 1976 Bro Hugh C Munro Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Bro James Pitkethly worshipful Provincial Senior Warden took the oath to become Honorary members of the Lodge
Bro Hugh Munro then presented a 50 year service diploma to Bro A Wemyss
On 24th May 1976 a large deputation from Lodge Heart of Midlothian No 832 were invited to work a mark degree 13 brethren from Lodge 468 plus a Bro Idris Robb of Lodge St John No 540 were advanced to the Mark Degree
On the 10th January 1977 with regret we learn the Bro David William Hird P.M of Lodge Wemyss No 777 and Honorary member of 468 has passed to the Grand Lodge above
On 14th February 1977 with regret we learn that Past Master Bro John Arnot Watson of The Lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72 and Honoury member of Lodge 468 has passed to the Grand Lodge above
On 25th April with regret we learn that Past Master Bro Douglas Young has passed to the Grand Lodge above Bro Young was initiated into the Lodge on 22nd january 1951 and was Master thereof 1958-60 completing 26 years membership
At a special meeting on 23rd May 1977 Bro Ian Frederick Cotton a MM of Lodge Tollcross Glasgow No 1194 was affiliated into the lodge Bro Cotton (later would become master thereof in 1986)
On the 5th of October 1977 we considered to adopt a coat of arms of the Lodge having been researched and prepared by Past Master Bro Eric Peters of Lodge St John Inverkeithing No 60 Bro Secretary Bro Robert M Somerville proposed that we if we did go ahead we would have to require approval from the Lord lyon and would cost the Lodge £83 a fund was to be set up to cover any costs
At our official Provincial visitation on 10th October 1977 Bro Hugh C Munro Depute Provincial Grand Master had the pleasure of presenting a jubilee certificate to Bro Robert Strachan who was initiated into the Lodge on 8th March 1919 and was Master thereof from 1930-1932
On 24th October 1977 17 brothers were advanced to the mark
On 14th November 1977 R.W.M Bro Thomas Mackie proposed to the Lodge that we should award P.M Bro David Robertson Treasurer with a distinguished service membership of the Lodge in recognition of his services to the Lodge. on the same evening we learn the Bro David Robertson had been commissioned by Lord Elgin to become Worshipful Substitute Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross
In the year 1977 we saw 19 meetings 18 entrants were admitted and 18 M.M were advanced to the mark attendances were on average 50 per meet
On 27th February 1978 with regret we learn the Bro Harry Philip had passed to the Grand Lodge above Bro Philip had served the Lodge for 25 years and was latterly sword bearer of the Lodge
At a committee meeting dated 6th September 1978 Bro Somerville reported after consolatation with the Lord lyon on the coat of arms and the design was to be the arms of the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the right side with the coat of arms of Oswald of Dunnikier on the upper quarter and the Grand Seal of Kirkcaldy on the lower quarter Bro Somerville gave thanks to Lord Elgin on his assistance on establishing the Oswald of Dunnikier coat of arms as The seventh Earl of Elgin had married a daughter of James Townsend Oswald on September 1810
We also learn with regret the Bro David Robertson had suffered a heart attack on 3rd September 1978 but after several operations Bro David Robertson passed away on the 9th December 1978 Bro Robertson was initiated into the Lodge on 27th September 1943 completing 35 years membership and was Master thereof from 1951-1952 he was later appointed Provincial Grand Almoner and the on 1st November became Substitute Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross he was also Treasurer of the Lodge for 5 years
In the year 1978 we saw 19 meetings 13 entrants were admitted and 6 M.M were advanced to the mark
On 23rd April 1979 Bro James Nicholson was initiated into the lodge ( later to become master thereof in 1988)
On 10th September Bro Secretary presented the new coat of arms to the Right Worshipful Master who thanked Bro Somerville for all his hard work special mention was also made to P.M Bro Eric Powers Lodge St John No 60 who had initiated this venture Bro Somerville recommended that we purchase equipment for mark tokens to be made with coat of arms inscribed
On 10th December 1979 Bro William Pennington Paterson P.M of Lodge St Aiden No 185 Past Depute Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross was duly affiliated into the Lodge
On 17th December 1979 Bro Robert M Somerville presented a ceramorial gavel on behalf of mrs Violet Robertson in memory of her late husband Past Master Bro David Robertson to be used not only by our Lodge but our sister Lodge The Lodge of Kirkcaldie No 72 so that the friendship and goodwill he forged be maintained between the two Lodges
In the year 1979 18 meetings were held 18 entrants were admitted and 12 M.M were advanced to the mark one historical landmark worth recording is that Lodge received its own coat of arms during this year
On 10th March 1980 Bro Matthew Thomson was initiated into the lodge Bro Thomson would become Treasurer of the Lodge on 21st December 1981 (Later to become Master thereof in 2015)
On 10th April 1980 Bro Robert M Somerville announce that a dye for our mark tokens would cost £130 plus vat and 250 1″ mark tokens would be made and was agreed by the brethren
On 1st April 1980 we receive a letter from Bro Robert Munson that he is to be installed as Master of St Margarets Lodge No 1452 Lowestoft Suffolk Bro Secretary sends telegram to congratulate him
On 28th April 1980 Bro James Dean was initiated into the Lodge ( later to become master thereof in 1990)
In November 1980 at a meeting of Grand Lodge Bro Robert M Somerville Secretary has been elected to grand committee for the next three years
In January this year the Lodge received a supply of ties with the lodge coat of arms these were available at a cost of £4
This year the lodge had 18 entrants the same as last year with 16 members being advanced to the mark degree the average attendance at meetings was 50
In February this year the lodge made a donation of £650 to victoria hospital for the purchase of a ambulift to be used within the wards
On the 10th of May 1981 honorary membership of the lodge was conferred upon Bro David Ireland P.M of lodge Forfar and Kincardine no 225 and honorary Grand director of music for all his work within the lodge
On the 24th of May 1981 a deputation from lodge Templehall 1599 headed by I.P.M George Gray was introduced into the Lodge to work a mark degree on behalf of 13 breathren of 468 and 2 other breathren from lodges 72 and 400
The collection and raffle of the evening which amounted to the sum of £90 was to be donated to the new fife cheshire home in glenrothes
Bro Gray also presented the Lodge with a wooden keystone on behalf of his lodge to mark their working of the mark degree
On the 25th November 1981 at Grand Lodge in Edinburgh Bro Andrew Wales Director of music had the honour confirmed upon him as Honorary Grand Organist of the Grand Lodge of Scotland by Grand Master Bro Sir James Mckay
This year the Lodge had 13 entrants 16 members were advanced to the mark the average attendance at meetings was 48
On the 25th August 1982 with regret we learn that P.M Bro Robert More had passed to the Grand Lodge above Bro More was initiated into the Lodge in February 1957 and was Master thereof from 1968-1970 completing 26 years
This year the Lodge had 11 entrants 8 members were advanced to the mark the average attendance at meetings was 47
On 27th June 1983 Bro Robert M Somerville was commissioned by Bro Lord Elgin to become Provincial Grand Secretary with effect from 3rd July
It is also with regret we announce the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro Thomas Simpson former Secretary of our Lodge Bro Simpson was initiated into Lodge Elgin and Bruce no 1077 Limekilns and afflilated to our lodge on september 1930 he was secretary from 1939-1973 serving 34 years Bro Simpsom was Honoured by grand lodge appointing him Honorary Grand Marshall in 1965 Bro Simpson also took time to record the first 100 years of the Lodges history which we will always be grateful
On September 10th 1983 Bro Robert M Somerville made a presentation to the Lodge of a photograph and diplomas of Bro John Curror R.W.M of the Lodge in 1889 sent to him by Bro Currors great grandson a Bro Cox in Australia Bro Robert H. L. More read a copy of the minute concerning Bro Currors departure from the Lodge in 1889 and the recording of the presentation of a P.M Jewel to Bro Curror from Bro Major Oswald in thanks for his great service to the Lodge
On 10th December 1984 Bro William Rollo Chrystal was initiated into the Lodge (later to become Master there of in 1992)
This year Lodge had 6 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 40
In January 1985 we learn that P.M Bro Robert H.L. More had been elected to serve on Provincial Grand Lodge as member of committee
On 22nd April 1985 R.W.M Bro George Reid presented Bro David Hodgkinson P.M of Lodge Clackmannan no 1303 with a diploma of fifty years membership on behalf of his father Bro Albert H. Hodgkinson who had been initiated into the Lodge in 1919 Bro Hodgkinson now aged 91 years still attends Lodge Clackmannan
This year the Lodge had 9 entrants the average attendance at meeting stayed at 40
It is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro James Grubb Bro Grubb was initiated into the Lodge on 11th February 1946 and was R.W.M from 1972-74 he later became Chaplain of the Lodge
On 27th January 1986 a deputation from Lodge Wemyss 777 headed by R.W.M Bro William Fraser worked a third degree
At a meeting on the 23rd 1986 March Bro Charles Yule Depute Master of Lodge no 19 Cupar of Fife gave a rendering of the mode of preparation a lecture not normally included in the Lodge
On 10th April 1986 it is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro James Murphy Bro Murphy was initiated into the Lodge on 20th October 1944 and was appointed Architect from 1981-1986
This year the Lodge had 6 entrants the average attendance at meetings was 38
In april a letter from Grand Lodge to Bro Robert H L More P,M secretary appointing him proxy Master of Lodge bonnie doon no 611 (sri lanka )
In April 1987 we learn with regret the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro George H. Goodsir Bro Goodsir was initiated into the Lodge on 8th March 1920 Bro Goodsir Affiliated to Citrus Lodge no 118 Florida in 1987
On 12th october we learn with regret the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro George Leitch Bro Leitch was initiated into the Lodge on 23rd May 1949 he Affiliated to Lodge Bond of Friendship English Constitution and became Master thereof Bro Leitch made several visit from his home in London to attend the Lodge
On monday 16th November 1987 our R.W.M Bro Ian Cotton was invited to install the office bearers of St Regulus no 77
On 23rd 1987 November the Lodge had the pleasure of initiating into the Lodge a father and his two sons Bro Adam Wallace Bro Robert Wallace and Bro George Wallace Bro Robert Wallace became Master of the Lodge in 1994 and Bro George Wallace became master in 1996 and again in 2003
At a meeting on 21 December 1987 the R.W.M had the pleasure of presenting a diploma from the Grand Lodge of Scotland to mark Bro George Thomson’s 50th year in the craft Bro Thomson was initiated into the Lodge in 1936 and was Master from 1945-1947
This year the Lodge had 3 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 33
On February 12th 1988 Lodges 468 and 72 held a joint venture to raise funds for a new organ the venture was a success and £239 was raised
On 25th April 1988 a large deputation from Lodge St Fothad’s no 1059 worked a third degree
At a meeting on 9th May 1988 Bro Robert M. Somerville reported that the funds belonging to Lodge Thane of Fife no 781 had been fraudulently taken he proposed that tonight’s collection to be given to assist that said lodge £23 was made up to £50
On 30th November 1988with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P,M Bro Robert B. Duncan Bro Duncan was initiated into the lodge on and was Master from 1976-1978
This year the lodge had 5 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 30
On the 27th February 1989 the R.W.M announced with regret the passing of Bro Robert Rankine Bro Robert was initiated into Lodge on 23rd December 1957 and was a life member
On the same evening Bro Edward Curran R.W.M St Regulus 77 paid glowing regards towards the Lodge and had great pleasure in making our I.P.M Bro Ian Cotton an Honorary member of Lodge 77
At our regular meeting on 13th March 1989 we learn the PM Bro Ian F. Cotton had be given Honorary membership of Lodge St Regulus no 77 this was also Bro Cottons last meeting before leaving to take up new employment in Bradford Bro Cotton thanked the Lodge for all the support they had given him since becoming an Affiliate of the Lodge and had given him the highest honour available in making him Master of the Lodge a silver tankard was presented by the R.W.M and a gold bracelet for mrs Cotton on behalf of the trustee’s was presented by P.M Bro John Cutland Lodge 72
This year the Lodge had 5 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 31
On 21st January 1990 with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro Albert H. Hodgkinson aged 95 years who was initiated into the Lodge on 21st April 1919 and had received his 50th year diploma Bro Hodgkinson was also an active member of Lodge Clackmannan after retiring there with his son
In february 1990 this year Bro Adam Wallace and his two sons Robert and George had travelled to Romania with a convoy of vehicles to help distribute aid to that country Bro George gave a brief account of their journey which was applauded by the brethren
On 19th June 1990 the R.W.P.G.Master Bro Lord Elgin installed and commissioned P.M Bro Robert M. Somerville as Substitute Provincial Grand Master
This year the Lodge had 3 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 38
On 28th January 1991 Bro Ian Mackenzie was initiated into the Lodge (later to become Master thereof in 2002 and again in 2006 -2012)
On 15th April 1991 after months of discussion regarding the use of a carrot in the first degree on January 28th we regretful learn that Bro Secretary P.M Bro Robert H.L.More had resigned from the Lodge this was regretfully accepted by the brethren
In this year the Lodge had 4 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 29
On 13th January 1992 Bro Andrew Suttie Bryce was initiated in the Lodge (later to become Master thereof in 2004 and again in 2012 until his sudden death in March 2013)
On 21st February 1992 the Lodge held its 125th Anniversary dinner in the Masonic halls special guest that evening was Provincial Grand Master Bro Lord Elgin and along with 80 other brethren sat down to an excellent meal
On 14th december 1992 we had our new regalia dedicated by Bro The Reverend Trotter Provincial Grand Chaplain and Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro Andrew Haggart
In this year the Lodge had 5 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 29
On 28th February 1993 P.M Bro George Reid was installed as secretary
On 14th May 1993 a fine deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Allan Wilkie worked a mark degree
On 22nd November 1993 a fine deputation from Lodge St Fothad’s no 1059 headed by R.W.M Bro Richard Patterson worked a second degree
At a committee meeting on 29th 1993 a lecture on the mode of preparation was discussed and passed and would be implemented into our first degree
In this year the Lodge had 8 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 27
At a special meeting on 28th February 1994 a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Substitute P.G.M Bro Andrew Haggart presented P.M Bro Robert M. Somerville with a distinguished service diploma after which P.M Bro Robert Lawrie of Lodge Balfour Melville no 809 perambulated Bro Somerville during a lecture on the presentation to him of a masonic bible
On 7th September 1994 25 brethren travelled to Lodge Georgetown no 1170 Paisley to work a second degree
In this year the Lodge had 6 entrants average attendance at meetings was 28
On 23rd January 1995 a fine deputation from Lodge Georgetown no 1170 headed by R.W.M Bro james Walker worked a second degree
With regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of past Almoner Bro john Campbell 22 brethren attended his funeral
On 29th March 1995 at a joint meeting of Lodge 468 and Lodge 72 Provincial Grand Master Bro Lord Elgin along with Provincial Grand Chaplain were admitted into the Lodge on the occasion of dedicating a new carpet, Grand Chaplain gave a lecture on the four corners and Lord Elgin spoke about masonic carpets and pavements
On 24th April 1995 a fine deputation from Lodge Balfour Melville no 809 headed by Bro Sid Milne worked a mark degree
On 5th September 1995 the Lodge was invited by Lodge 72 to work a first degree
On 6th September 1995 the Lodge travelled to Lodge Georgetown no 1170 to work a second degree 20 brethren travelled to Paisley that evening
On 11th December 1995 Almoner Bro David Strachan (toki) was presented with a distinguished service diploma by S,P G M Bro Andrew Haggart
In this year the Lodge had 6 entrants average attendance at meetings was 36
On 22nd January 1996 a fine deputation from Lodge Georgetown no 1170 headed by R.W.M Bro Hector Douglas worked a third degree a burns harmony followed
On 22nd April 1996 a fine deputation from Lodge 72 headed by P.M Bro Hugh Clelland worked a mark degree
On 4th September 1996 the Lodge travelled to Lodge Georgetown no 1170 to work a second degree
On 23rd September 1996 a fine deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro James Aitken worked a third degree
In this year the Lodge had 4 entrants average attendance at meetings was 41
On 28th April 1997 a fine deputation from Lodge Georgetown no 1170 headed by R.W.M Bro John Watson worked a mark degree
On 3rd September 1997 the Lodge travelled to Lodge Georgetown no 1170 to work a second degree
On 27th October 1997 a fine deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro James Russell worked a first degree
On 24th November 1997 a fine deputation from Lodge Union no 250 headed by R.W.M Bro Donald Maxwell worked a second degree
In this year the Lodge had 8 entrants average attendance at meetings was 48
On 24th January 1998 a fine deputation from Lodge Georgetown no 1170 headed by R.W.M Bro E Mcnee worked a second degree a burns harmony followed
On 23rd February 1998 a fine deputation from Lodge Nisbet Tranent no 1112 headed by R.W.M Bro David Duff worked a second degree
On 17th April 1998 a fine deputation from Lodge Dunearn no 400 headed by R.W.M Bro John Hanning worked a mark degree
With regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above on 21st June 1998 of Bro James Elder Sword Bearer Bro Elder was initiated on February 28th 1977 and his funeral in Anstruther was with full masonic honour
On 14th December 1998 a lecture on the history of Lodge Sir Robert Moray no 1641 was given by P.M Bro Robert M Somerville the reigning Master of the said Lodge
In this year the Lodge had 6 entrants average attendance at meetings was 48
On 3rd February 1999 a notice of motion was sent to Provincial Grand Lodge regarding deleting the installation meeting from the 3rd Monday in December to the 4th Friday in February
In this year the Lodge had 4 entrants average attendance at meetings was 42
On 24th January 2000 Lodge Georgetown 1170 headed by R.W.M Bro Alan Proven worked a second degree with a burns harmony laid on afterwards
On 14th April 2000 our new masters chain of office was duly dedicated by S.P.G.M Bro Andrew Haggart and P.G.L Depute chaplain Bro Andrew Patterson
On 27th 2000 at a special meeting the brethren received lectures on the three tracing boards presented by Bro Keith Norrie 1549 ( first ) Bro Andrew Smith 520 ( second )and Bro Scott (third )
On 11th December 2000 Lodge wemyss 777 headed by R.W.M Bro Derek Brown worked a third degree
In this year the lodge has 2 entrants and the average attendance at meetings dropped to 33
It is with regret we learn of the passing to the Grand Lodge above of Bro Andrew Wales aged 85 Bro Wales was initiated into the Lodge on 16/06/1941 Bro Wales was the Lodges organist for over forty years and was granted Honorary Grand Rank at the same time as the late Sir Jimmy Shand Bro Wales will be sadly missed
On 22nd January 2001 Lodge Lindores 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Richard Robertson worked a second degree the collection this evening on behalf of Rachal House raised the sum of £100
It is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro Wilfred Lee Bro Lee was initiated into the Lodge on 22/09/1947 and was master of the Lodge from 1956-58
On 24th April 2001 P.M Bro Robert Somerville presented to the Lodge a 468 P.M jewel he had purchased from a pawn shop also a centenary jewel and honorary Grand rank jewel belonging to Organist Bro Andrew Wales
In this year the lodge had 2 entrants and the average attendance at meetings dropped to 29
On 28th January 2002 Lodge Balfour Melville 809 headed by R.W.M Bro Kenneth Reekie worked a second degree with a burns harmony afterwards a donation of £25 was made to maggie center
On 22nd February 2002 Bro Ian Mackenzie was installed as R.W.M by P.M John G Mackie Lodge St Leonards 935 and P.M Gordon T Morris Lodge St Leonards 935
On 23rd September 2002 Lodge Georgetown 1170 headed by R.W.M Bro Sinclair Steward worked a third degree we also learn the P.M Bro Ian Lawson was made an honorary member of Lodge 72
On the same evening we learn the R.W.M Bro Ian Mackenzie would have to relinquish his position due to work commitments taking him to manchester
In this year no entrants came before the Lodge the average attendance at meetings was 23
On 27th January 2003 Bro Keith Thomas from Lodge Hope of kurrachee gave a lecture on Lodge furnishing and furniture
On the 15th May 2003 It is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Almoner Bro David Strachan (toki) Bro Strachan was initiated into the Lodge on 28/12/1953 He was almoner of the Lodge for many years he will be sadly missed by all the brethren of 468
On 27th May 2003 we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Bro William James Logan Bro Logan was initiated into Lodge St Leonards 935 on 23/10/1941 he affiliated to the Lodge Oswald Of Dunnikier on the 27/02/1978
On 27th October 2003 The Lodge Of Kirkaldie 72 headed by R.W.M Bro Edward Forsyth worked a third degree
On 27th November 2003 it is hereby recorded the P.M Bro Robert M.Somerville has be installed as Substitute Grand Master Mason Of Scotland a historical event for the Lodge this preferment has duplicated our own founder Bro James.T.Oswald of Dunnikier
In this year the lodge had 3 entrants with the average attendance at meetings were 25
On 26th January 2004 Lodge Ruchill 1436 headed by R.W.M Bro E Mckillup worked a second degree
On 29th March 2004 Lodge Oswald Of Dunniker 468 along with Lodge Dunearn 400 and Lodge Ballingry 1183 visited Lodge Rosyth 1159 in the first meeting of the Monday night Lodges which will meet on the 5th Monday of the month unfortunetly at this time Lodge King Robert De Bruce 304 declined to join in the venture
On 29th November 2004 Lodge Oswald Of Dunnikier 468 held its first meeting of the Monday night Lodges
In this year the lodge had 2 entrants with the average attendance at meetings was 23
At the meeting on January 10th 2005 the collection of £110 was raised to £150 and was to to be donated to the tsunami disaster appeal
On 4th February 2005 14 members of the Lodge along with Bro Robert Ross of Lodge 72 visited St Quentin’s Lodge 4778 in South Glamorgan for the installation of affiliated member Bro David Millar
On 14th March 2005 P.M Bro Ian Murdoch of Lodge Kinghorn 935 gave a lecture on the career of Robert Burns in Freemasonry
On his return from Manchester P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie returned to the Lodge
On 12th December 2005 Lodge Tempelhall 1599 gave lectures on the three Tracing boards
In this year the Lodge had no entrants and the average attendance at meetings dropped to 23
On 26th January 2006 A Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge Of Fife and Kinross headed by P.G.M Bro David Wishart presented P.M Bro Robert M Somerville with his 50th year jubilee certificate the same evening Lodge Randolph 776 headed by R.W.M Bro Bill Rocks worked a second degree
On 24th February 2006 P.M Ian Mackenzie was duly installed for the second time by P.M John G Mackie and Gordon T Morris Lodge St Leonards 935
In this year the Lodge had 1 entrant and the average attendance at meetings was 22
It is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro David Todd on the 21st of April 2007 Bro Todd was Initiated on 23/09/1957 and was R.W.M of the Lodge from 1970-72 and was the first Master in the new halls at forth avenue
In this year the Lodge had 7 entrants and the average attendance at meetings was 24
It is with regret we learn on the 5th July 2008 that Past Master and Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro Robert M Somerville passed to the Grand Lodge above. Bro Bob was initiated on 25th May passed on 24th October and raised 28th November he received his mark in April the following year; he became Master of the Lodge in 1966 and later to become secretary then chaplain until his demise in July this year; he was later invited to join the Provincial Grand Lodge Of Fife and Kinross where he became secretary then later Substitute Provincial Grand Master; his zeal for Freemasonry took him to many orders which was later recognised by the Grand Lodge Of Scotland and after serving in various offices and committees he eventually became Substitute Grand Master Mason Of Scotland
On 6th September 2008 we learn of the passing to the grand lodge above of Bro Henry Scott who was initiated on 11th march 1968 and served the lodge for over 21 years
On 22nd September 2008 Lodge Inverkeithing 60 headed by R.W.M Bro Jim Scade worked a second degree
At our A.G.M on December 8th 2008 P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie was nominated to do another year as R.W.M
In this year the lodge had one entrants and the average attendance at meetings fell below 20
On 12th January 2009 Bro Adam Morris of Lodge Inverkeithing 60 was granted honorary membership of the Lodge
Once again P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie would continue as R.W.M for 2010
In this year the Lodge had 1 entrant and the average attendance at meetings stayed at 19
It is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above S.P.G.M and P.M of our sister Lodge The Lodge Of Kirkcaldie 72 Bro Andrew Haggart
At a committee meeting on February 19th 2009 P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie agreed to set up a website on behalf of the Lodge to keep the brethren updated and advertise the Lodge worldwide
It is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of P.M Bro Thomas Mackie Bro Mackie was Master of the Lodge from 1976-78 he was Tyler in the Grand Lodge of Scotland and was a member of the league of Commissonaire’s into his 80th year
On 11th October 2010 Lodge St Clair of Dysart headed by R.W.M Bro Jim Macdonald and supported by I.P.M Bro Donald Mcguire worked a mark degree
On 13th December 2010 a deputation from P.G.L.headed by S.P.G.M Bro Stuart Quigley due to the *P.G.M Bro Thomas Bradley running late were admitted into the Lodge on the occasion of presenting to Bro David Mudie with his 50th year diploma David was initiated into the lodge on 28/09/1960
On the same evening P.G.M Bro Thomas Bradley presented to the Lodge a display case with the Provincial regalia of P.M Bro Robert M Somerville *Bro Bradley made it in time for the presentations
Once again it was agree that P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie would continue as Master for 2011 for the 7th time and again P.M John G Mackie (the guvornor) Lodge St Leonards would be the Installing Master
A letter of dispensation from P.G.L was read allowing R.W.M Bro Ian Mackenzie to act as Lodge Treasurer
It was agreed that P.M Bro Andrew Bryce would once more take up the position of R.W.M for the year 2012
On 13th February 2012 Lodge St Clair Of Dysart 520 headed by R.W.M Bro John Hutton and supported by P.M Bro John Hamilton worked a mark degree
On 9th April 2012 Lodge Balgonie 764 headed by R.W.M Bro Ron Dixon and supported by P.M Bro Stewart Quigley worked a mark degree
On 23rd April 2012 we learn that P.M Bro Andrew Bryce was given honorary membership of Lodge Lindores 106
A Special meeting on 1st May 2012 Bro Fred Dickson from Lodge Howard 101 Maryland America who’s grandfather was a member of 468 was admitted into the Lodge and the Third Degree was conferred upon him after the Degree Bro Fred was presented with a jewel from the members of 468 by P.G.M Bro Andrew Paterson Bro Fred was overwhelmed at the end of the meeting
The start of the year 2013 saw our R.W.M Bro Andrew Bryce Hospitalised with a rare blood disorder he managed back to the lodge in February
It is with regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of our R.W.M Bro Andrew Bryce on the 11th of March 2013 who never recovered from his blood disorder. Bro Bryce was initiated into the Lodge in January 1992 passed in March and raised in September he was Master of the Lodge from 2004-2006 and again in 2012 Bro Bryce would be sorely by all the brethren of the Lodge and the province of Fife and Kinross
It was agreed at a meeting on 14th march 2013 that each of the Past Masters would take turns in working degrees for the rest of the year
On 25th March 2013 a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Provincial Grand Master Bro Andrew Paterson and supported by Provincial Grand Secretary Bro Bob Christie and office bearers of Provincial Grand Lodge worked a Mark degree
On 23rd September 2013 the Lodge held a Lodge Of Sorrow for P.M Bro Andrew Bryce a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Provincial Grand Master Bro Andrew Paterson and the family of Bro Bryce were admitted into the Lodge I.P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie lead the meeting which was well attended by brethren from all over the province on the evening £220 was raised for lymphoma research a charity of Mrs Bryce’s choice
On 14th October 2013 Bro Adam Wallace son of P.M Robert Wallace and Grandson of Architect Bro Adam Wallace was initiated as a Lewis
It was agreed that P.M Bro Ian Lawson would take up the position of Master for the year 2014
On 10th March 2014 Bro James Wallace son of P.M Bro George Wallace and Grandson of Bro Adam Wallace was initiated as a Lewis
On 22nd September 2014 Lodge Wemyss 777 headed by R.W.M Bro Bill Mathers P.M and supported by P.M Bro Robert Campbell worked a Mark Degree
Also on the same evening the Lodge had the pleasure of investing P.M Bro Bill Macintosh and P.M Bro Alex Whitehill of Lodge St John 35 as Honorary Members
On 10th November 2014 The provincial Grand Master Bro Andrew Paterson rededicated a bible presented to the lodge by P.M Bro James Dean on behalf of P.M Bro Robert M Somerville who;s wish it was to honour him with a bible for his services to the lodge ( image below )
It was agreed that Bro Matthew Thomson would take up the position of Master for the year 2015
Bro Ian Mackenzie P.M will take up the position of secretary after Bro George Reid P,M announced his retirement after 21 years
On Thursday 8th January 2015 the Lodge was invited to Lodge Balgonie 764 to work a Third Degree for Bro Zack Guild Grandson of our late P.M Bro Andrew Bryce
On Saturday 25th April 2015 P.M Brother Ian Mackenzie received the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank (Honorary Provincial Grand Marshall)
On 12th October 2015 P.M Bro Ian Cotton returned to the Lodge to work a First Degree his first since leaving for Leeds in 1989
On 23rd November 2015 a deputation from Lodge Wemyss 777 headed by R.W.M Bro Duncan Selkirk worked a First Degree
On 11th January 2016 W.J.W Bro John Cairns worked a Fellowcraft Degree for the first time
On 25th January 2016 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Ally Wilkie worked a Second Degree
On 11th February 2016 A Deputation went to Lodge St John no 35 Falkland to work a Second Degree
On 26th February 2016 R.W.M Bro Matthew Thomson was Installed for the second time
On 14th March 2016 Bro William Wallace son of P.M Bro George Wallace Brother of Bro James Wallace and Grandson of Bro Adam Wallace was Initiated as a Lewis
On 7th June 2016 A Deputation went down to Leeds to Visit Lodge Horsford no 5339 The Affiliated Lodge of our P.M Bro Ian Cotton were we witnessed an initiation Degree with a excellent harmony that followed
On 28th September 2016 the Lodge voted that Bro Gordon Michie W.S.P,G.M be nominated for the position of P,G,M of Fife and Kinross
On 31st October 2016 saw the Lodge head the five Monday Lodge meeting Lodges 304 400 1159 and 1183 all taking part in a Fellowcraft Degree
On 24th November 2016 Bro George Reid was nominated for Honorary Grand Rank by the Grand Lodge of Scotland
On 23rd January 2017 A Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Ally Wilkie worked a Second Degree
On 24th February 2017 Bro Robert Wallace was Installed as R.W.M Bro Robert was first Installed 23 Years Ago in 1994
On 13th March 2017 P.M Bro Iain Lawson was presented with his Fifty Year Diploma and Jewel
On 22nd March 2017 A Deputation of the Lodge headed by R.W.M Bro Robert Wallace visited Lodge Lindores no 106 to work a Second Degree
On 10th April 2017 P.M Bro George Reid was presented with his Fifty Year Diploma and Jewel
On 27th May 2017 R.W.M Bro Robert Wallace along with W.S.W Bro George Wallace and I.P.M Bro Mathew Thomson attend the 250th Anniversary of Lodge Lindores no 106
On 15th September 2017 R.W.M Bro Robert Wallace attended the Installation of Lodge Templehall 1599 and was Installing D.O.C
On 29th September 2017 R.W.M Bro Robert Wallace attended the Installation of Lodge Wemyss 777 and was Installing Inner Guard
On 3rd October 2017 a deputation lead by R.W.M Bro Robert Wallace visited Lodge St Fothads 1059 to confer a second degree
On 22nd January 2018 a Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R,W,M Bro Keith Doig worked a Second Degree
On 30th January 2018 Bro Ian Mackenzie received Honorary Membership from The Lodge of Kirkcaldie no 72
On 9th March 2018 Bro Robert Wallace was installed as R,W,M for the second time
On 9th March 2018 P,M Bro George Reid presented a set of wooden working tools he had made
During the close season we lost Two Brethren to the Grand Lodge above Bro Brian Ewans and Bro Joshua Philip Gregory
On 8th October 2018 a Deputation from our sister Lodge The Lodge of Kirkcaldie 72 Headed by R.W.M Bro John Cutland worked a Second Degree
On 29th October saw the Lodge head the five Monday Lodge meeting Lodges 304 400 1159 and 1183 all taking part in a Fellowcraft Degree
On 22nd January 2019 a Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R,W,M Bro Keith Doig worked a Second Degree
On 11th February 2019 Past Masters from Lodges 72 935 and 1599 Headed by P.M Bro Paul Batchelor Lodge no 72 worked a First Degree For a Mr Grant Muirhead this being R.W.M Bro Robert Wallace’s Last Meeting
On 22nd February 2019 Bro John Cairns was Installed as R.W.M for the first time
On 22nd February 2019 Bro P.M Ian Mackenzie would take up the job as acting Treasurer
On 22nd April 2019 A Deputation from the Ohio Travelling Masters Black Watch Degree Team headed by Right Worthy Bro John Lasonczyk P.M Montgomery Lodge #94 Ohio along with 17 Worthy Brothers visited the Lodge to witness a First Degree.
On 21st October 2019 Bro Gavin Forrester a Master Mason from Connecticut U.S.A was Affiliated into the Lodge 75 years after his Grandfather and Father were Initiated
On 11th December 2019 a deputation Headed by R.W.M Bro John Cairns visited Lodge Lindores no 106 to confer a Second Degree
On 10th January 2020 A Sad Day For The Lodge Oswald of Dunnikier 468 Georgina Wallace Wife of Bro Adam Wallace and Mother of P.M Bro Robert Wallace and P.M Bro George Wallace and Grandmother of Bro’ s Adam Wallace James Wallace and William Wallace Passed Away Peacefully
On 27th January 2020, a Deputation from Lodge Lindores no 106 headed by R,W,M Bro Keith Doig worked a Second Degree
On 28th February 2020, Bro John Cairns was re-installed into the chair of King Solomon
On 17th March 2020, The Provincial Grand Lodge cut short the season due to the Coronavirus outbreak suspending all masonic meetings until September
On 21st April 2020, The Lodge Opened Its Door To receive donations of food parcels to give to the local food bank to be distributed among those in need lodges 1599 935 and 72 also participated
On 11th May 2020, The Lodge Presented a Cheque to Linton Lane Food Bank To The Sum Of £100
On 12th September 2020, The Lodge Presented a Cheque to Jaqueline Johnson Not Ready To Die Yet Charity To The Sum Of £100
On 28th September 2020 Bro David Mudie was presented with his 60th Diploma and Jewel
On 31st October 2020, A meeting of the Lodge took Place to discuss the future of the Lodge due to the current coronavirus a letter from Lodge 72 asking if we would consider amalgamating in the near future was discussed and the members decided at this time to discard any amalgamation
On 11th January 2021 Bro John Collier was presented with his 50th Diploma and Jewel
On 3oth March 2021, the Lodge received a donation of £4000 from Fife Council to help with the Coronavirus which has seen the Lodge closed for over a year
On 3rd April 2021, we found water had gotten in the roof of the building and flooded our cupboards our old regalia was damaged along with our gavel and some paperwork hopefully our insurance will cover the damage
On 9th April 2021, we learn of the passing to the Grand Lodge above of The Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip aged 99 years
On 12th August 2021, Grand Lodge said that we can reopen the lodge for masonic duties but must adhere to the Government rule on coronavirus
On 16th August 2021 a committee meeting decided that we would cancel our September meetings and reconvene later that month for more updates
On 27th September 2021, the Committee met to discuss the ongoing coronavirus situation and decided that the lodge should postpone all meetings till January 2022 at the same meeting the Lodge proposed Brother William Beveridge Rocks as the next Provincial Grand Master
On 14th November 2021, Bro David Mudie the Lodges oldest member helped lay the Wreath on Remembrance Sunday
On 22nd December 2021 The Lodge Donated and planted a silver birch tree as near to Dunnikier house as possible to mark the Queen’s Jubilee in 2022
On 24th December 2022 we heard of the passing of Mary Lawson wife of P.M Bro Iain Lawson
On 6th January 2022 We learned of the passing of P.M Bro James Deans Wife
On 29th January 2022 Bro Iain Lawson attained the position of Provincial Grand Senior Warden
On 25th February 2022 Bro George Wallace was Installed as R.W.M Bro George was first Installed 26 years ago in 1996
On 16th July 2022, we learn of the passing to the Grand Lodge above of Bro George Reid who was initiated into the lodge on 10th April 1967 and became Master in 1984 and served the Lodge as Secretary from 1993 to 2015 a span of 21 years
On September 8th, 2022 we learn of the passing of our Sovereign Queen Elizabeth 11 a week of Mourning of all masonic activity
On October 31st, 2022 after a three-year absence, the five Monday lodges took place at Lodge Robert De Bruce R.W.M Bro George Wallace led a deputation this evening
On 18th December 2022 it is regret we learn of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Honorary member Bro Bill McIntosh Lodge St John 35
On 23rd January 2023, a Deputation from Lodge Lindores 106 headed by R.W.M Bro Keith Doig worked a Second Degree
On 30th January 2023, the Lodge attended the five Monday Lodge Meeting at Lodge Dunearn 400 Bro Ian Mackenzie heading the Deputation
On Friday 3rd 2023 March Bro George Wallace was installed as R.W.M
On Wednesday 22nd March 2023 Bro George Wallace led a Deputation to Lodge Lindores 106 to work a second degree
On Monday 25th September,2023 W.J.W Bro William Wallace worked a second degree for the first time
On 27th October 2023 the Lodge suffered water damage which caused the roof of the lounge to collapse the Lodge being unfit for Masonic Duty we have arranged that we have our next meetings within the halls of St Clair of Dysart 520
On Monday 13th November 2023 we held our first meeting within the halls of Lodge St Clair of Dysart 520 this was also our annual visit from the P.G.L of Fife & Kinross
On Monday 27th November 2023 Bro James Wallace W.S.W worked a Third Degree
On Tuesday 28th November The Lodge presented a cheque for the sum of £200 to Link Living
At the annual meeting of Grand Lodge on Thursday 30th November 2023 Bro Iain Lawson P.M Reiceved the rank of Honorary Grand Treasurer
On Thursday 18th January R.W.M Bro George Wallace took part in a Reigning Masters Degree at Lodge Weymss 777
On 22nd January 2024 Lodge Lindores 106 Headed by R.W.M Bro Keith Doig worked a Second Degree
On 24th January 2024 Bro Ian Mackenzie was nominated to take up the office of Provincial Grand Scrib Nehemiah of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch of Fife and Kinross
On 27th January 2024 Bro John Cairns was nominated to take up office on Provincial Grand Committee
On 29th January 2024 the Lodge attended the five Monday Lodge Meeting at Lodge Ballingary 1183 headed by I.P.M Bro John Cairns
Today 17th February 2024 our Brother Andrew Douglas Alexander Thomas Bruce the 11th Earl of Elgin and 15th Earl of Kincardine will celebrate his 100th Birthday and the Right Worshipful Master Past Master Wardens and brethren of the Lodge send Him best wishes
On Friday 1st March 2024 Bro James Wallace was Installed as R.W.M for the first time his Installing Masters this evening Were his father Bro George Wallace and his uncle Bro Robert Wallace
On Monday 29th April the Lodge attended the four Monday lodge Meeting at lodge Robert de Bruce 304 headed by I.P.M George Wallace
On Monday 30th September the Lodge Attended the four Monday Lodges Meeting at Dunern 400 Headed by R.W.M.James Wallace
This second part of our history was researched by P.M Bro Ian Mackenzie
Notable Dates
- 1st October 1888
Bro Robertson presented a set of deacon’s wands - 7th March 1892
Bro A Goodall presented a plumb rule and ball all of his own work - 5th December 1892
Bro Welsh presented a set of working tools - 12th December 1892
Bro Ritchie presented a masonic engraving - 6th March 1893
Bro Heath presented a mosaic pavement and tasseled border all his own work of the most exquisite and handsome design
Bro Mitchell presented a mahogany jewel case lined with crimson velvet of costly value
Bro Davie presented a silver inscription plate for the said jewel case - 1st December 1913
R W Master presented the senior and junior wardens mallets stating he had made them out of the wood of a gun carriage which had been at Waterloo - 1st November 1920
Bro Hines presented the letter G - 13th February 1950
Bro David Robertson on behalf of Bro Ronaldson presented a volume of the sacred law - 17th December 1979
- Bro Robert Somerville presented a gavel from Mrs Violet Robertson on behalf of her late husband P.M Bro David Robertson
- There is another one which was presented to the Provincial Grand Lodge
- 9th March 2019
- Bro George Reid presented a set of wooden working tools
- 28th March 2022
- Bro John Cairns presented three new gavels
Memorial of James Burt son of our P.M James Burt 1894 – 1897
Alexander Muirhead Melville Tokens from his Draper Business
Gavels Presented by Bro John Cairns 28th March 2022